Navagraha Moola Mantra Mp3 Free Download

First Navagraha mantra and all other 8 of them were written by Rishi Vyasa and are considered as peace mantras for the nine planets. If the planets are auspicious and have no adverse effect, then you don’t need to chant these mantras.

In Vedic Astrology, it is believed that the events in our lives are governed by the nine celestial bodies in transit, which are called as Navgrahas. The placement and strength of these planets in a natal chart affects us in different ways, either for good or for bad.

Table of Contents

  • 2 How To Chant These Mantras?
  • 6 Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

What is Navagraha Mantra?

Mantras - Free Download. Navagraha Mantras like Saturn Mantra, Kethu Mantra, Raghu Mantra,Sun Mantra,Moon mantra,Jupiter Mantra, Mars Mantra, Venus Mantra, Mercury.

Navagraha mantras are auspicious hymns or Mantras that act as powerful healing tools that stabilize the adverse effects of the planets in our lives. These play a vital role in determining the physical and mental condition of a person.

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  • Summary: The Free Online Mantra MP3s and Videos is a collection of the very best Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and other spiritual mantras which you can download for free to include in your daily practice. This page lists all the mantras available on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, and is updated as new mantra MP3s or videos (MP4s) are added to the site, so it’s a good page to bookmark if you are a.

The word ‘Navagraha’ is a Sanskrit word where ‘Nav’ means nine and ‘Graha’ means to seize or grasp. In Vedic astrology, The nine planets in our Solar System are called grahas as they are the evolutionary forces that teach us how to harmonize with the universe. So,’ Navagraha’ or ‘Navgrah’ means the nine planets. The position of the planets and their movements influence our life and affect our personal, emotional, financial and physical aspects.

Each of these 9 planets is ruled by a Hindu deity and they represent specific matters in a person’s life. If the planet is benefic or exalted in a kundali, then the native can have a good time during its Mahadasha (major period) and transit. On the other hand, a malefic or a debilitated planet is sure to create obstacles in a person’s life.

But sometimes the planets are malefic or inauspicious in the birth chart or kundali, and they negatively affect your life. In such situations, you may have to face troubles in your life regarding many issues. These situations can be handled by chanting these specialized mantras that cool down the planets and minimize their harmful effects.

To navigate ourselves during tough times, Vedic scriptures have cited Navagraha Mantras for pacifying the bad planets in a horoscope. These Navagraha Mantras are basically beej (seed) mantras which houses the same frequency as that of these planets. These mantras are sacred hymns in Sanskrit, which upon chanting can curtail the harmful energies of the planets and amplify the positive ones.

If you chant these mantras regularly, then the planets will have a positive influence over all aspects of your life. Any health issues, financial crunch or disputes are the results of their movements which may not be favorable. With the help of these, You will have more peace of mind and achieve spiritual tranquility.

The Navagraha mantras for each planet are recited on specific days, and the planets match the human characteristics. They help to remove grievances from the planets and gain their blessings.

How To Chant These Mantras?

Navagraha mantras have holistic power that brings peace to the planets. The movements of the nine planets influence your daily life. There are times when people face bad luck, failure, illness, and many other unfortunate incidents.

The movement of these celestial bodies mostly influences these occurrences. Each planet has its particular mantra that controls it. They also have different requirements and procedures.

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before chanting these mantras.

  • Timing of the Navagraha mantra: It is imperative that the mantra for the respective planet are recited during the transit of the planets. You need to recite these mantras only when these planets have a negative influence on your life. Start chanting the mantras on the day that specific planet represents.
  • Mat and Clothes: These mantras are holy, so you need to chant them with a clean body and mind. Before you start recitation, take a bath and wear clothes that represent the color of the planet. You also need to use an aasan (mat) that has the color of the planet. Such as white for sun, blue for Saturn, etc. There is a particular code of discipline and cleanliness that you should not ignore.
  • Direction and time: You have to use specific instructions and time for the planet. Try to complete the recitation within 40 days. The place and time that you chant the prescribed mantra should be consistent and the same throughout the period.
  • Rosary and Sankalp: Each planet has its specified rosary bead that you should use. You can use Rudrakash Chaplet or Particular gemstones of the planet such as pear rosary for the moon, coral for mars or Ruby for Sun.
  • Pronunciation and Rhythm: These mantras will not show proper effect or not work at all if they are not pronounced correctly. One wrong pronunciation can make the entire meaning of the mantra disastrous. Even the rhythm should be the same, and you cannot make any mistake in the flow of a syllable. These mantras are like voice passwords so their flow and pronunciation should be exact.

Now that you know what things you will need to chant these mantras. Let us know more about the nine celestial bodies and the mantras that are associated with them.


Surya or the Sun is considered as the Light of Wisdom.

He is also the dispeller of ignorance. The sun is the source of life and energy in this Solar System. Its gravitational pull keeps all the planets in their orbits.

It is the Paramatma and the life force of every individual’s soul system. Surya is the symbol of confidence, wisdom, power, and sense of identity. He is the king of this kingdom of celestial bodies. He rides a chariot which is pulled by seven horses which represent the seven days of a week, seven colors of the Rainbow or the seven levels of consciousness.

The symbol of the sun is a circle with a dot in the center. The circle shows its manifested existence and the dot is the point of creation. It is the largest of the planetary bodies.

When Should You Chant It?

You need to do the chanting when the Sun is auspicious but weaken your kundali. It should also be recited when you have a weak body, very low confidence or sour relationship with your father. A debilitated Sun can make the native face public humiliation during its Mahadasha. He can have problems related to government. Progeny related problems are often due to an afflicted Sun.
It also helps students if they are studying for Government services. Even couples facing problems in childbirth should do the chanting.

Surya Mantra:
‘Aum Hran Hreen Hron Seh Suryay Namah’.

How to chant Surya Mantra?
This Surya Beej Mantra should be chanted 7000 times in a span of 41 days. Chanting should be done at the time of sunrise while water should be poured towards the sun in reverence. This is known as the water offering (Arghya). The mantra can be initiated from a Sunday.

Surya (Sun) Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ ह्राम् ह्रीम् ह्रौम् सह् सुर्याय नमह् ।

Moon or Chandra

The Moon is known as Chandra or Soma and is considered as the Light of Devotion. It is believed that Chandra nurtures life with its soothing cool rays.

Since it reflects the light of the Sun, It also reminds the Earth about the lunar phases which are related to the mind and body. During the full moon or Purnima, the mind fully reflects the light of the soul. On Amavasya or new moon, the body blocks the light and does not allow it to reach the mind. Relation with mothers is also seen through the placement of the Moon.

Chandra influences creativity with its lunar phases. Amavasya represents the moment of creation such as the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. And Purnima is getting the fruits of the seed such as giving birth. Scientifically, it is known that the Moon’s gravity controls the tides in seas and oceans; it also nurtures the healing properties of the plants and herbs.


When Should You Chant It?
If you are facing problems such as chronic depression, sudden anxieties, and nervousness, this Chandra Navagraha mantra will cure you of these illnesses. It is also recommended that you do the chanting when you have a Grahan Dosh in your Kundali when the Moon is weak in your horoscope, or you are having bad relations with your mother.

Chandra Mantra:
‘Aum Shran Shrin Shron Seh Chandraye Namah’.

How to Chant Chandra Mantra?
You need to chant this mantra 11000 times in 41 days. It can be chanted 108 times daily in the evening right after sunset. You can use a picture of Lord Shiva while reciting this mantra. The favorable day is Monday.

Chandra (Moon) Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ श्राम् श्रीम् श्रौम् सह् चन्द्राये नमह् ।

Mangala or Mars

Mangala or Mars is known as the bearer of welfare. Its characteristics include determination and will power. It is the executive power after Sun among the celestial bodies.

He is like the military general among the gods which often leads him to explorations and journeys alone and protects everyone from invasions. In a social sense, it represents space exploration, military action and in the human sense, it manifests blood circulation, immune system, etc.

He is the karaka of male siblings, land and immovable properties. Mars denotes strength, courage, bravery and the fighting ability. He also rules over the competitive ability of the native. He governs the blood functions in our bodies.

An exalted Mars can bless a person with good health and wealth. But a weak or debilitated Mars can make a person timid in nature. If afflicted with Rahu, it can give uncontrolled anger. Mars present in Manglik yoga can often delay the marriage or give an unhappy marriage.

When Should You Chant It?
Mars or Mangal may be auspicious but weak, or it may be inauspicious and strong in your birth chart. In both these scenarios, you will have to chant the Mangal Beej Mantra to calm it down. If you are Manglik and it is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th& 12th house of a birth chart should also chant this mantra. It will help a weak person to become courageous. Its negative impact may lead to blood-related disorders in the body.

Mangal Mantra:
‘Aum Kran Krin Kron Seh Bhaumaaye Namah’.

How to Chant Mangal Mantra?
You should recite this mantra 10000 times in 41 days. You can recite it daily in the morning by placing an Idol of Lord Hanuman in front of you. Its auspicious day is Tuesday.

Mangal (Mars) Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ क्राम् क्रीम् क्रौम् सह् भोैउमाये नमह् ।

Mercury or Budha

Mercury or Budha represents the Emblem of Intelligence. He represents intelligence, ambiguity and remains unaffected by materialism.

Buddh or Rahu is the closest planet to the sun and also the fastest which justifies his role as a messenger. He is very flexible, can adjust to any situation and is a great storyteller and interrogator. This Graha is considered as the Prince in a kundali and influences our speaking capabilities, intelligence, and nervous system.

When Should You Chant It?
Whenever this planet is weak in your natal chart or kundali, you may have to face a lot of problems during its transit. To counterattack it, you will have to recite the Buddh Beej Mantra religiously. You can chant this mantra to look young, cure stammering or to have a flourishing business.

Budha Mantra:
‘Aum Bran Brin Bron Seh Budhaye Namah’.

How to Chant Budha Mantra?
This Buddh Beej Mantra needs to be recited 9000 times in 40 days. It is chanted in the early morning but can be chanted at any time of the day. You can also use an image or Idol of Ganesh while chanting this mantra. The favorable day is Wednesday.

Budha (Mercury) Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ ब्राम् ब्रीम् ब्रौम् सह् बुद्धाये नमह्

Jupiter or Brihaspati

Jupiter or Brihaspati is the “Guru of Gods.” Due to its massive size, it is also referred to as the “Spirit of the vast.”

He advocates religion, philosophy, moral standards and unity among the mortals and immortals. He acts as the advisor for the Gods and gives blessings of wealth. It influences inspiration, optimism, and positivity. Jupiter is also the most beneficial and gentle planet.

He expands the qualities of the house wherever it sits. He is the teacher among the Navgrahas and bestows wisdom in the lives of the natives.

It signifies luck, wealth and wisdom. It is also believed that if this graha is weak in a kundali, then that person can never attain all-round knowledge. If this planet is afflicted due to its transit with Rahu and Ketu, it may create problems in your life. If Jupiter is placed weakly in your birth chart, then you may struggle for material prosperity.

When Should You Chant It?
Although a natural benefic, a debilitated Jupiter can create health problems and financial difficulties. Jupiter rules all the auspicious events in one’s life. If you have an afflicted or debilitated Jupiter, chanting of Brihaspati (Guru) mantras can surely do wonders in your life. Even though it is auspicious, it may be weak in your horoscope. You may have to face some trouble in your studies or career or reputation may get hampered. In such times you need to do the chanting of Bhraspati Beej Mantra.

Brihaspati Mantra:
‘Aum Gran Grin Gron Seh Guruve Namah’.

How to Chant Brihaspati Mantra?
This mantra should be chanted every day in the morning 108 times daily and after that people should water the roots of a banana tree. You will have to chant this mantra 19000 times in 41 days. The favorable day is Thursday.

Brihaspati (Jupiter) Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ ब्रिम् ब्रिहस्पतिये नमह् ।

Venus or Shukra

Venus or Shukra is the emblem of love and attachment. Even though its also called ‘Guru of the Asuras.’ He is the karaka of all worldly pleasures. It is the karaka for wealth and marriage in the lives of the people. Relationship with female folks primarily our spouse is controlled by Venus.

It is associated with purity, beautiful art, music, pleasant and sensual pleasures. It has a powerful influence on the world with its impact on relationships, love, and creativity. It teaches the art of becoming more conscious of our senses.

This planet teaches that ‘the pure and the impure reside within all.’ It also influences love marriages and inter-caste marriages provided the kundalis are a match.

When Should You Chant It?
If this planet is auspicious but weak in your horoscope, you will have to chant the mantra to stabilize its effect on you. If Venus is afflicted, it may cause many problems like marital discord, cheating spouse and loss of wealth in our lives. People are also not able to enjoy their life and gain sensory pleasures if Venus is debilitated or combust.

Chanting of Shukra mantras is extremely beneficial for people who want to attract a life of abundance and luxuries. Single people can chant this mantra to get a loving and loyal spouse.

Shukra Mantra:
‘Aum Dran Drin Dron She Shukraye Namah’.

How to Chant Shukra Mantra?
Recite this mantra 16000 times in 41 days. It can be chanted 108 times daily in the morning in front of a Lord Lakshmi image or idol. The auspicious day for Shukra is Friday.

Shukra (Venus) Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ शम् शुक्राये नमह् ।

Saturn or Shani

Saturn or Shani is also known as the Lord of discipline and control. It portrays the path of truth and honesty. Shani is also the most feared planet in Astrology.

Saturn is the slowest moving planet, but it keeps track of every activity in the Solar System. He does not believe in shortcuts to get out of problems. His blessings provide us with persistence and patience to rejuvenate the mind and soul.

Shani helps to achieve spiritual growth in the inner mind with different transitions. It prepares the body and mind for spiritual growth. People try to please it if they face obstacles in career, business or relationships.

When Should You Chant It?
It is considered to be a cruel planet, so if it turns inauspicious and strong in your birth chart, you have to chant the Shaani beej Mantra to minimize its ill-effects. If you seem to suffer from Shani Mahadasha, Saadesaati and Dhaiyya, then chanting is a must.

A debilitated Saturn can be the reason for constant frustrations and troubles, especially during its operating period. Chanting of Shani Mantra can help the native pass over the testing phase of Shani Dev.

Shani Mantra:
‘Aum Pram Prim Pron She Shanicharaye Namah’.

How to Chant Shani Mantra?
Chanting of this mantra should be done in the evening (after sunset), ten malas daily. A lamp of sesame or til oil should be lighted near a peepal tree or Shani tree. This mantra should be recited 23000 times in 41 days. For Shani, it can be initiated on Saturdays.

Navagraha Moola Mantra Mp3 Free Download

Shani (Saturn) Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ पराम् प्रिम् प्रौम् सह् शनैष्चराये नमह्।


Raahu is the commander of the direction and is referred to the North Node of the Moon. This celestial body causes eclipses and is a shadow entity. It is a manifestation of material pleasures and worldly desires.

Raahu helps in strengthening one’s power and can even turn an enemy into a friend. It is associated with the spiritual process of evolution or the engrossing of spirit in materialization. It is an indicator of worldly desire, greed, fame, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive, etc.

He represents the minds insatiable desire to control things. But Raahu grants great power in the right direction.

Being a malefic planet, it subdues the mighty Sun and the benevolent Moon and can create Surya Grahan (solar eclipse) & Chandra Grahan (lunar eclipse), where Sun and Moon fail to give its good results to the native.

When Should You Chant It?
This mantra is chanted when you have Grahan yoga in your kundali. It doesn’t matter whether this planet is auspicious or not in your kundali, any way you will have to do the chanting to overcome its effects.

Rahu can create unnecessary hurdles when it is placed in debilitation or a Dusthana House. To propitiate Rahu in the horoscope, people should chant beej mantras of Rahu.

Rahu Mantra:
‘Aum Bhran Bhrin Bhron Seh Rahve Namah’.

How to Chant Rahu Mantra?
You should chant it before sunrise and after sunset, ten malas daily. It is better to chant it during the Rahu Kalam of the day. Vedic scriptures mention the chant should be 18000 times in 41 days. The most favorable day is Saturday.

Rahu Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ रं राहवे नमह्।


Ketu is the ‘South Node of The Moon’ and is the presenter of obstacles. It is the celestial body of outwardly desiring.

This Graha blesses with spiritual tendencies, ascetism, knowledge of the self when it is favorable. But it also has a fiery temperament. Ketu and Raahu both help to attain spiritual benefit but Ketu works inwardly, and Raahu works outwardly.

They work together for the cosmic evolution of the universe. It is a malefic body and causes various misfortunes in your lives. The traits that are associated with Ketu are focused on intelligence, derangement, fantasy.
This celestial body is malefic and spiritual benefice as brings people closer to God by drowning them in sorrow and loss. Chanting of the mantra will help to get rid of suicidal tendencies if any and psychological problems.

When it is a conjunct moon, it can make the person a daydreamer or absent-minded. On a positive note, Ketu is a spiritual planet and can help people attain moksha through meditation.

When Should You Chant It?
Just like Raahu, Ketu can also affect our lives with detrimental effects. If you have graham dosh or Kaal Sarp Dosh, then you need to do the chanting. The Ketu Beej Mantra will help to neutralize the ill effects and stabilize its negativity.

People should chant Ketu mantras while undergoing the Ketu Mahadasha to mitigate its harmful effects.

Ketu Mantra:
‘Aum Sram Srin Sron Seh Ketve Namah’.

How to Chant Ketu Mantra?
It should be chanted during the night, and at least the minimum number of malas should be covered. Recite this mantra 23000 times in 41 days. It can be initiated on a Friday.

Ketu Mantra in Sanskrit Version
ॐ स्त्राम् स्त्रीम् स्त्रौम् सह् केतवे नमह् ।

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that devotees may have towards these mantras.

Q: People also use gemstones to correct their doshas from grahas. So, why use Navagraha Mantras? And which is better?
A: Yes, gemstones are also used to correct doshas from our grahas. They are easy to use and convenient. Whereas, these mantras have a particular code of discipline and conduct which needs to be followed precisely.

Their timing, pronunciation, rhythm, consistency, and dedication matters a lot. Navagraha Mantras have a very positive effect on our lives, and they give good results. Whereas, the use of gemstones has certain limitations towards their effect on us.

So, if you have the time and sincerity to do the mantra Jaap, then it is always better.

Q: Why is the Earth not apart of the navagrahas?
A: The Navagraha are the forces that influence the Earth. She is a deity in herself with her own identity and distinguished from the others.

Q: Is listening to the Navagraha Mantra on CD (as meditation) appropriate and can it be a long term process? Does it have any implications?
A: It is excellent practice to meditate by listening to the Navagraha Mantras on CD as you can also chant along. You can recite the mantras internally as you hear play.

Q: What are the effects of Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology?

A: Rahu and Ketu are karmic planets, and it is challenging to escape the cosmic effect given out by them. The negative aspects of Rahu and Ketu affect us more mentally rather than physically.

Rahu manifests itself as greed, jealousy, anger, sarcasm, OCD, and hatred. And Ketu exhibits laziness, a lack of interest, poor reasoning, irresponsibility and a sense of abandonment.

But they may also cause positive effects in our lives if they are positioned correctly. These periods of troubles provided by Raahu and Ketu also lead us towards better self-realization. IF we understand ourselves a tiny bit better, these planets will reward us with positive influences.

Q: Are Rahu and Ketu real planets?
A: They are not physical planets but imaginary points in the sky. They are called the North and South Nodes of the moon. They are the biggest enemy of the Sun and Moon.
That is why they cause eclipses from time to time.

They are malefic, retrograde and always stay 180 degrees away from each other. They are karmic indicators of the Soul in the birth chart.

Q: Do we need to worship Shani (Saturn) directly through a chanting?
A: Yes, we can do that. Shani not only restricts but it also helps to maintain discipline. People those who lack discipline can pray to Shani for the removal of obstacles.

Q: Why put so much emphasis on the proper pronunciation and flow of the mantras?
A: These mantras are like voice passwords. They will not work effectively if we say a wrong syllable or if the rhythm is not correct.
So, you need to be very careful. You can get in touch with an experienced astrologer and take their help in understanding the proper tone and diction.

Q: From where did we get these mantras?
A: The Navagraha Mantras came from the Purohit Darpan which is a traditional Brahmanical Sanskrit text.

Q: Can chanting of Navagraha Mantras give us sure shot to success?
A: These mantras help to ward off the negative impacts of the nine celestial bodies.

They can never be a replacement for hard work and perseverance. Navagraha Mantra benefits us in personal development but solely depending on them without putting your effort will be just like wasting your time and energy.

If you aim for success, then find out the doshas with your planets, chant the prescribed Mantras and put in your effort and hard work to achieve it.

9 Miraculous Navagraha Mantra Benefits

‘Navagrahas’ or ‘nine planets’ affect our lives drastically. Their positions on your birth chart determine whether they have a positive influence on you or a negative impact.

These mantras have been designed in such a way that they help to divert the negative energy from us.

Let us look into some Navagraha Mantra benefits.

  • Graha Dosh or Malefic planets: When you make your birth chart or kundali with the help of an astrologer, it will state the position of the nine grahas in your Birth chart. If there are any malefic planets or doshas found, then you can rectify those by chanting the prescribed mantras. These doshas are caused by the placement and transit of the planet.

    These mantras help to remove the harmful effects of the planets in your life and thereby reducing many kinds of problems. It makes your life favorable.

  • Removes bad luck: These mantras help to remove ill luck, misfortunes in your life by guiding the planets and their movements. It blocks any unfortunate events that you may face in your professional or personal life.
  • Prosperity and fortune: Sometimes, the planets are in such a position that they restrict our success. In such cases, recitation of Navagraha mantras for the malefic planet will help to remove its negative impact. This will lead to success, prosperity and wealth in your life provided you are putting in your share of effort.
  • Better family life: These mantras are incredibly beneficial if you are craving a happy married life with your spouse. It will also help in situations where you are affected by the delay of a child’s birth.
  • Better health: The Navgrah Mantra help to take away the negative flow of energy given out by some planets in your life and keep you free of illness and diseases. Chanting of these mantras will give you and your family exceptional health and immunity.
  • Professional advancements: Regular recitation of these mantras will remove obstacles that you usually face in your career or professional life. They will encourage improvements and success in your educational career or professional life. For those looking for a job, prospects may see new job openings. It may also lead to the running of stuck up projects or ventures and better flow of new ideas.
  • Development of personal traits: They influence your characteristics. With the help of these mantras, you can attain positive attributes. These include confidence, leadership, knowledge, consciousness, purity, perseverance, etc. These qualities make you have better personality traits which help to deal with the outside world.
  • Absorbing negative energy: Negative energy cannot be seen, but it can do a lot of damage. It can affect your personal life, career, and finances.

    Chanting of these mantras will absorb all kinds of negative energy around you which will encourage the flow of positivity. This will give you happiness and contentment.

  • Helps to attain Salvation or Moksa: When you chant these mantras with dedication, you also open up the path to self-realization. It leads your body and mind to connect to the cosmic world. This makes you more spiritually aware and conscious of your presence.

    You will realize that there are beings much more powerful than us mortals and they influence us in a big way. These grahas are Gods of the cosmic Worlds. They are the sources of evolution, and human lives revolve around them.

    They help you to achieve blessings from all these planets which leads to a prosperous life.

Final Thoughts

This universe has influenced and impacted us in a way much more significant way than we ever realized. The nine planets are also a part of this. These cosmic gods have a vast history behind them.

Earth and its residents are also affected by them positively and negatively both.

Navagraha Mantras are a vital part of Vedic astrology. They are like leashes that can help you to keep the grahas in check. They have numerous benefits that make our life smooth and favorable.

They can never control the movements of a planet; instead, its negative effect and amplify its positive impact. These mantras are just a medium to channel that energy and use it for your benefit. These are never to be used as a shortcut for success.

You can reap the Navagraha Mantra benefits only if you chant these with a clear mind. With the help of an astrologer, prepare your kundali or birth chart and find out what are the malefic planets in your chart. You should also know how many times the mantras need to be chanted, pronunciation, timing, etc.

But you need to give special emphasis on the pronunciation of the Mantras.

For example, the correct way to pronounce Soorya in Soorya Mantra is ‘Sooryaay’ and not ‘Sooryaya.’ These stands the same for other mantras such as Chandraay, Shukrayaay, etc. These may look very mild, but the implications may be severe.

If you can I suggest that you visit a temple and ask for some help if you need it.

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Funk Guitar
Scarbee Jay-Bass
Bass Module
Scarbee MM-Bass
Bass Module
Scarbee Pre-Bass
Bass Module
Scarbee Vintage Keys
Piano / Keys
Solid Bus Comp (Solid Mix Series)
Solid Dynamics (Solid Mix Series)
Solid EQ (Solid Mix Series)
Supercharger GT
Traktor Kontrol F1
DJ Controller
Transient Master
Envelope Shaping
Vari Comp (Premium Tube Series)
VC 160
VC 76
Akoustik Piano
Piano / Keys
GM Module
Synth (Analogue / Subtractive)
Elektrik Piano
Piano / Keys
Guitar Combo: AC Box Combo
Distortion / Overdrive / Amp
Guitar Combo: Plexi Combo
Distortion / Overdrive / Amp
Guitar Combo: Twang Combo
Distortion / Overdrive / Amp
Sampler (Loop Tool / Slicer)
Sampler/Sample Player
Universal Sound Platform
Kore Player
Universal Sound Platform
NI-Spektral Delay
Delay / Echo
Synth (Analogue / Subtractive)
Most useful pages:More
Metronome and SynchronizationTunerKeyboard ShortcutsToolbar and RackAudio SettingsVirtual Rig KontrolControllerTapedeck PostThe Preset BrowserLive ViewGlobal Header
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Summary of Contents for Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5

  • Page 1 Application Reference..
  • Page 2 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repre- sent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media.
  • Page 3 Contact Germany Native Instruments GmbH Schlesische Str. 29-30 D-10997 Berlin Germany Native Instruments North America, Inc. 6725 Sunset Boulevard 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90028 © Native Instruments GmbH, 2011. All rights reserved.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Loading and Saving Rack Presets ........29 4.1.4 Importing Presets ........... 29 4.1.5 Exporting Presets ............ 30 4.1.6 Saving New Rack Presets .........30 4.1.7 Tags on Three Levels ..........32 4.1.8 Tagging Presets ...........33 GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 4..
  • Page 5 Plug-In Location ...........54 7.1.3 Setting Up a Guitar or Bass Track ........54 7.1.4 Synchronization ...........55 7.1.5 Total Recall ............ 55 Automating Parameters ...........55 7.2.1 The Automation List ..........55 GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 5..
  • Page 6 Menu Bar ............68 File ............... 68 Edit ............... 69 View ..............69 Help ..............70 10 Audio and MIDI Settings .......... 71 10.1 Audio ..............71 11 Keyboard Shortcuts ..........74 GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 6..
  • Page 7: Introduction

    Welcome to the GUITAR RIG 5 Application Reference! About this Manual This manual covers all elements of GUITAR RIG 5 in detail. If you want to get deeply into the software, this is the document to refer to. The following documents are also available: ▪..
  • Page 8: Safety Considerations

    For your protection, set all output levels to a minimum before using GUITAR RIG 5. Gradually raise the volume controls while mu- sic is playing to set the desired listening level. If you experience any hearing problems or persistent ringing in the ears, consult an audiologist immediately.
  • Page 9: User Interface

    Global Header The Global Header (visible both in Standard view and in Live view) assembles the main input and output controls as well as the system performance display of GUITAR RIG 5. GUITAR RIG Global Header GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 9..
  • Page 10: Input And Output

    ▪ The Learn function automatically sets the optimum threshold. Double click the threshold knob and do not play your instrument for some seconds: GUITAR RIG 5 analyses your signal and sets the threshold just above any residual noise.
  • Page 11 You might need to disable some components or turn off high quality mode to save CPU power. Then re-activate the audio engine by clicking the Power button. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 11..
  • Page 12: Live View

    Live view. It hides the Rack and instead puts the most important perform- ance features into a clear layout. The Live view is perfect for on-stage use, consolidating the following elements: ▪ Global Header ▪ Current Preset List as defined in the Preset Browser GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 12..
  • Page 13: Toolbar And Rack

    Toolbar and Rack If you are in Live view, please return to Standard view by clicking on the LIVE button to continue our tour through the user interface of GUITAR RIG 5. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 13..
  • Page 14 Preset List, even if it is not visible, by clicking on the Up/Down arrows. Save makes changes to the loaded preset permanent, overriding the stored settings ▪ with the current ones. Factory Presets and User Presets are now stored in separate folders. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 14..
  • Page 15: Virtual Rig Kontrol

    The Rack holds all the components that are processing your sound — giving a clear over- view of the signal flow. It is the heart of GUITAR RIG 5’s functionality, and is incredibly easy to use. See section ↑3, Components and the Rack..
  • Page 16: Sidekick

    ↑8.1.3, Linking External MIDI Controllers to the Virtual Rig Kontrol details. SideKick About a third of the user interface is occupied by the SideKick, a multi-functional area on the left hand side of the screen. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 16..
  • Page 17 ▪ The Preset Browser (1) allows filtering of all available Rack Presets on three levels; you can organize your presets and perform a text search to easily find your presets. See section ↑3, Components and the Rack on working with presets. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 17..
  • Page 18 ▪ The Options screen (3) serves to configure external controllers and their assignments, as well as preferences such as the window height, the path to presets, and other de- tails. See section ↑8, Options on setting up MIDI controllers and other options. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 18..
  • Page 19: Components And The Rack

    Components and the Rack Building a Rack from Scratch On the first start, the Rack of GUITAR RIG 5 is empty. You will hear dry, slightly pre-am- plified guitar sound when you play: an invitation to try out the various components for yourself.
  • Page 20: The Component Pool

    3.1.2 Setting Up an Amp The fastest way to start designing sounds with GUITAR RIG 5 is by adding an amp to the Rack. If you want to quickly create a guitar sound, try the Jump amplifier. ► Drag the amp’s icon from the Component Pool to the Rack. You can also double click the icon.
  • Page 21 Mics, Control Room, Control Room Pro, and Matched Cabinets. Another option is to use the pull down menu included in the matched cabinet. Here you will see the full list of available cabinets. You can also use the plus/minus tabs to toggle through the list. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 21..
  • Page 22: Basics For Rack Building

    The audio signal runs through the chain of rack modules from top to bottom, except if you are using special tools that create parallel processing paths, like the Split. See the Compo- nents Reference for details on these tools. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 22..
  • Page 23 ▪ If you don’t want to replace another component when using Drag & Drop, make sure you drop it beneath the other components, which is indicated by an orange line in- stead of the rectangle. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 23..
  • Page 24 ▪ The On/Off button allows for true bypassing of the module — no power is con- sumed when it is turned off. ▪ The (Minus) button minimizes the module’s display. ▪ The triangular arrow toggles its expert panel, if available. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 24..
  • Page 25: Working With Presets

    Controllers), which is indicated by a small padlock symbol. These will not be affected by controller assignments stored in a Rack Preset. GUITAR RIG 5 ships with a huge amount of Rack Presets of any style, and you can easily create more as you see fit.
  • Page 26: The Preset Browser

    Working with Presets The Preset Browser The Preset Browser The Preset Browser Click on the Browser button to open the Preset Browser — a powerful tool for finding and organizing all your Rack Presets. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 26..
  • Page 27: Tags And The Preset List

    Clicking on the column headers will sort by the according values, first ascending then de- scending. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 27..
  • Page 28: The Search Engine

    The new search engine will help you to quickly find a particular preset by entering part of its name. The search bar, situated between the Preset Browser and the Preset List, is al- ways ready to process your requests. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 28..
  • Page 29: Loading And Saving Rack Presets

    Rack or at the bottom of the SideKick. 4.1.4 Importing Presets There are two ways of importing presets into GUITAR RIG 5 — either of them can be the most convenient way to go: GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 29..
  • Page 30: Exporting Presets

    The Preset Browser ▪ When you drag and drop preset files into the Preset Browser, they will be copied to the Sounds folder of GUITAR RIG 5 and get the tag(s) that were selected before. ▪ After selecting from the GUITAR RIG 5 menu, you can copy presets to File >..
  • Page 31 User saved presets are marked with a user icon inside the preset lists. Custom presets can be spotted in GUITAR RIG 5 by just looking at the preset lists.To delete a pre- set, right-click (ctrl-click) on it in the Preset List and select..
  • Page 32: Tags On Three Levels

    No preset will be harmed by deleting a tag — all presets are still in the Preset List when no tag is selected. ► To delete a preset, right-click on it in the Preset List and select Remove from disk. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 32..
  • Page 33: Tagging Presets

    Any preset can carry an unlimited number of tags! Adding tags to presets works simply with drag and drop: ► Click on one of the presets in the Preset List and drag it onto one of the tags in the left column of the Preset Browser. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 33..
  • Page 34 ▪ After removing all tags from a preset, it is still available in the Preset Browser when you de-select all tags. ▪ To really delete a preset, highlight it, right-click and select Remove from disk. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 34..
  • Page 35: Preset Info Page

    After selecting one of the tags, the Preset List will change showing all the pre- sets containing this tag. Deleting a preset from the Preset List will remove the cur- rently selected tag from it. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 35..
  • Page 36: Component Presets

    Working with Presets Component Presets Component Presets GUITAR RIG 5 comes with plenty of factory presets for components, providing a timesav- ing alternative to dialing in classic sounds for each component by hand. 4.3.1 Basics A Component Preset contains the settings for a single component. After selecting an item of the Component Pool, press the Presets tab: a list of available Component Presets is dis- played below in the SideKick.
  • Page 37 Component Preset anywhere into the Rack. Component Presets and the Rack Each rack module displays the name of its current Component Preset in a small box on its left hand side, the Component Preset Display. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 37..
  • Page 38 Once you have found a good setting for a component you use regularly, you will want to save your own Component Preset. To do this you will want to create a Bank. The Banks are user-defined categories where Component presets are stored. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 38..
  • Page 39 ► From the component pull down menu choose Save as → The new preset will be titled New Preset until a title is chosen. ► To save any changes to the preset currently displayed, select Save from the component menu. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 39..
  • Page 40 By clicking on the column headers of the list of Component Presets, you can sort it by List Number (#), Name, and Rating. Save a quality rating with each preset by clicking on one of the 5 stars right beside its name. This can always be changed later. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 40..
  • Page 41: The Rack Tools

    The Rack Tools Tapedeck Pre The Rack Tools The following sections will introduce you to the Rack Tools of GUITAR RIG 5: Tapedeck Pre and Post, Tuner and Metronome. Tapedeck Pre The Tapedeck Pre Rack Tool Tapedeck Pre is the tool for playing back and recording audio at the beginning of GUITAR RIG’s signal chain (except when..
  • Page 42: Recording

    Recording your guitar will pick up the processed sound, just as you hear it at the output. Use Tapedeck Post if you want to record your guitar part with the actual GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 42..
  • Page 43: Interaction With Tapedeck Pre

    The Rack Tools Tapedeck Post sound, e.g. for using it ”outside of” GUITAR RIG 5. Files you import and play back will not be processed, which makes Tapedeck Post ideal for playing drum loops and your own backing tracks. Its controls are similar to Tapedeck Pre, except that it has no Transpose (TRANSP),..
  • Page 44: Tuner

    -1. TUNE FORK produces a reference tone. To select its pitch, click on the note field to the ▪ right and drag up or down, or click on the Arrow buttons. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 44..
  • Page 45: Metronome And Synchronization

    ▪ sound: The current tempo is stored with the Rack content when you save a preset. In this setting, the Metronome loads the tempo information when you load a preset. This is useful for preparing presets with synchronized effects e.g. for a live show. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 45..
  • Page 46: Preset Volume

    ▪ Use the crossfader to switch between the Dry signal and the Wet (affected) signal. ▪ Use the slider to control the volume level of the wet signal. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 46..
  • Page 47: Master Fx

    ▪ Configure your Master FX chain from factory or user presets. ▪ Click on the (cross) to empty the whole Master FX section. ▪ Click on the arrow to minimize the Master FX section. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 47..
  • Page 48 Tools section of the Component Pool. New Banks may also be created similarly to other Component Presets. Just as the other Rack Tools, the Master FX can’t be selected or highlighted. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 48..
  • Page 49: The Rig Kontrol

    RIG 5. Nine freely assignable switches and an expression pedal are at your disposal right after connecting it. Note that you can use the Rig Kontrol to control GUITAR RIG 5, even if you do not use it as your audio interface. For detailed information about the hardware and how to use the integrated audio interface, refer to the Hardware Reference.
  • Page 50: Assigning Functions To The Rig Kontrol

    If you operate a switch or the pedal of the (physical) RIG KONTROL, both the Virtual Rig Kontrol and the assigned function will react to it. The label of Switch 1 is dragged onto the Volume I knob of the Plex. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 50..
  • Page 51: Configuring Assignments

    Kontrol. Click on the arrow button to reveal the assignment, then click on a label or switch on the Virtual Rig Kontrol to select it. The functions assigned to this particular control are now shown in the expert panel. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 51..
  • Page 52 ▪ The left bracket defines the value mapped to the controller at zero; the right bracket defines the value mapped to the controller at maximum. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 52..
  • Page 53: Assigning Functions To External Controllers

    Rack. If the external footswitch you are using is “on” only while pressed (instead of switching be- tween “on” and “off”), activate Toggle mode in the context menu of the according input. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 53..
  • Page 54: Using Guitar Rig In A Host

    Setting Up a Guitar or Bass Track To setup a track to be processed by GUITAR RIG 5, just create an audio track and insert GUITAR RIG 5 as an effect. The audio track will hold the bare, unprocessed signal and your sound will be routed through GUITAR RIG before reaching the output stage of your DAW.
  • Page 55: Synchronization

    (because it works both with audio and MIDI), you should use it as a signal process- ing / effects insert. 7.1.4 Synchronization If you want GUITAR RIG 5 to be in time with your host, remember to turn on Ext mode in the Metronome (see section ↑5.4, Metronome and Synchronization). This will turn off the speed setting of GUITAR RIG and use the host’s tempo as a master.
  • Page 56: Automating Parameters In Apple Logic Pro

    In the View menu, turn on track automation for the selected track, so you can see what you are doing. Change the track to Latch Touch mode Start playback. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 56..
  • Page 57: Sidechaining

    In GUITAR RIG 5, a Sidechaining control is available in the Envelope, LFO, Input Level in the Modifier section and in the Stomp Compressor, Tube Compressor, and in the all new Fast Comp from the DYNAMICS section.
  • Page 58: Options

    TAR RIG 5 reacts to MIDI Program Change messages regardless of assignments: They switch presets within the current Preset List. Controller Assignment the Easy Way The quickest way to control any knob with a MIDI device is provided by its context menu: GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 58..
  • Page 59: Setting Up External Midi Controllers

    (instead of switching between “on” and “off” each time you press it), this will be the be- havior of the assigned parameter as well. If you want to change it, activate Toggle Mode the Menu of the according controller. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 59..
  • Page 60: Assigning Functions To Controllers

    0), the right one the value mapped to the controller at maximum (MIDI value 127). ▪ As switches are either on or off, the brackets can be used to define the difference be- tween the actual knob positions they trigger. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 60..
  • Page 61 The Controller menu Even if you prefer drag and drop, the menu is necessary to assign functions that are not controlled by any rack module, e.g., switching presets. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 61..
  • Page 62: Linking External Midi Controllers To The Virtual Rig Kontrol

    8.1.3 Linking External MIDI Controllers to the Virtual Rig Kontrol The Virtual Rig Kontrol is a perfectly integrated component of GUITAR RIG 5, sporting pre-assigned functions for many presets and a convenient display for all its assignments, especially in Live view. If your external MIDI controller features a comparable set of con- trols, it can make sense to map it to the Virtual Rig Kontrol and then use the latter for assigning functions instead.
  • Page 63 “off” as soon as it is released. This can be very useful when triggering effects. In GUITAR RIG 5, each controller input can be set to work in “Hold mode” via its context menu to reflect this difference. Just right-click any label of the Virtual Rig Kontrol, or click on Menu in any entry of the MIDI Controller list to call it up.
  • Page 64: Preferences

    In most cases, turning off Hold mode will enable them to work in the other mode as well. Preferences Under the Options tab, click on Preferences to configure GUITAR RIG 5. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 64..
  • Page 65 Options Preferences The Preferences Menu It offers the following settings: Window Height: Use this control to set the height of the GUITAR RIG 5 window. You can ▪ choose among . The actual dimensions in pixels (given in Small Medium Large brackets) depend on the physical display resolution of your monitor.
  • Page 66: Rig Kontrol 1 Support

    8.2.1 Rig Kontrol 1 Support The earliest Rig Kontrol can still be used for controlling GUITAR RIG 5, with the natural limitation of having only one audio input channel, of course. The second channel trans- mits the unit’s control signal and is therefore not available. To activate Rig Kontrol 1 com-..
  • Page 67 Options Preferences Left channel blocked by Rig Kontrol GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 67..
  • Page 68: Menu Bar

    File Menu Bar GUITAR RIG 5 is designed in a way that — once set up — you will hardly ever need to use the Menu bar. Most functions are easier to access another way, as explained above. How- ever, it may be necessary to change the 'Audio and MIDI settings..' in standalone mode.
  • Page 69: Edit

    Activates full screen mode, giving you the maximum possible resolution - extremely useful in Live view. Press ESC or F4 to return to normal mode. Hide/Show SideKick Hides or shows the left area of the GUITAR RIG 5 user interface, where Preset Browser, Components Browser and Options are displayed. Hide/Show Live View..
  • Page 70: Help

    Open Manual.. For access to all available manuals, navigate to your language. Visit GUITAR RIG 5 on the Web.. Your permanent bookmark to the GUITAR RIG 5 website, where you find product-related resources, news and entertaining extras! Visit the Knowledge Base..
  • Page 71: Audio And Midi Settings

    Choose the correct type of driver for your audio interface. Using ASIO (Windows) / CoreAu- dio (Mac OS X) is strongly recommended. Device Select your audio device from the list. If it doesn’t appear, check if it is connected and its drivers are properly installed. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 71..
  • Page 72 SideChain function, this is the place to go. The left column shows the available channels of your audio interface. The entries in the right column are GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 72..
  • Page 73 The left column shows all available MIDI devices , sorted by Input and Output. The entries in the right column are actually menus. By clicking on them, you can turn them on or off. Mind that any devices you want to use to control GUITAR RIG 5 have to be activated (turned On) under Input.
  • Page 74: Keyboard Shortcuts

    [Delete] Edit Select All [Ctrl]+[A] [Cmd]+[A] View Hide/Show Hints [Ctrl]+[I] [Cmd]+[I] View Full Screen [F4] [F4] View Hide/Show RigKontrol [F3] [F3] View Hide/Show SideKick [F2] [F2] View Hide/Show Live View [F1] [F1] GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 74..