Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban

Secara berkesinambungan saya akan terus mengusahakan soal dan jawaban test toeic di update sesering mungkin agar leih lengkap dan dapat dijadikan sumber referensi belajar mengahdapi toeic. Sampai disini saja, semoga membantu! Untuk melihat structure test bagian 1 dan 2 silahkan kunjungi link Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban (Structure Test 1) dan Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Test 2). Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 3) 1. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _____. (a) sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery.

  1. Kunci Jawaban Brain Out
  2. Kunci Jawaban Tvri
  3. Kunci Jawaban Quiz Parampaa 2
  4. Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban Ujian
  5. Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban Pilihan

Dan kunci jawaban latihan tes. Pengertian Test Toeic dan contoh soal beserta jawaban. Tes TOEIC® adalah tes keahlian berbahasa Inggris untuk orang-orang yang bahasa Ibunya bukan Bahasa. Contoh Soal Toiec Business. Soal Tes Toeic Dan Pembahasannya Pdf Lasopamenu. Contoh Soal Toeic Dan Kunci Jawabannya Pdf Vitaminlimi. Contoh Soal Narrative Text Dan Jawaban The Rats And The Elephants. Contoh Soal Ulangan Tengah Semester Ii Mapel Pai Kelas 6 Mata Pelajaran Agama Nama Kelas Vi Enam Nilai Paraf Ha Pendidikan Matematika Kelas 5.

contoh soal listening IELTS online section 4

Pada dasarnya, dari keseluruhan soal yang diujikan pada tes TOEFL. Kunci TOEFL Structure: Perhatikan Elemen Pembentuk Kalimat dan Hubungan antar Kalimat. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata singular grow. Perhatikan Kosakata dan Tata Bahasa yang Benar.

contoh soal listening IELTS online section 2



Soal tes reading beserta jawaban nya lengkap

Contoh soal inggris toeic/toefel reading dan jawaban lengkap ini buat dengan di rangkum dari berbagai soal tes bahasa inggris Toeic/Toefl.

Ujian reading anda akan di kasih waktu 1 jam dalam pengerjaan soal nya jadi anda harus cepat-cepat dalam mengerjakan nya .
saran saya baca lah inti dari cerita soal agar mempercepat dalam mengerjakan soal reading ini karena bacaan dalam ujian reading rata-rata sangat banyak waktu yang di berikan sedikit.

TES ini, Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menunjukkan seberapa baik Anda memahami bahasa Inggris tertulis. Ada tiga bagian untuk bagian ini dengan petunjuk khusus untuk setiap bagian. melanjutkan tes soal ujian yang pernah saya pos di blog sebelumnya berarti sekarang melanjutkan tes bagian ke V.

Petunjuk dalam mengerjakan soal toeic /toefel reading

Pertanyaan 101-140 adalah kalimat yang tidak lengkap empat kata atau ungkapan, ditandai (A), (B), (C), (D) diberikan di bawah setiap kalimat. Anda harus memilih satu kata yang paling baik melengkapi kalimatnya. Kemudian, pada lembar jawaban temukan jumlah pertanyaan dan tandai jawaban Anda.

contoh :

You will read: Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with

(A) caring (B) careful (C) care (D) carefully

The sentence should read, 'Because the equipment is very delicate, it must
be handled with care.' Therefore, you should choose answer (C).

materi lain nya mungkin yang anda cari :

sekarang lanjut pertanyaan sesungguh nya.

101. If we had seen the demand in advance, we surely on ... the cookbook.

(A) would stock up (B) have stocked up (C) had stocked up (D) would have stocked

102. Most of the time in Indonesia was spent ... relatives.

(A) to visit (B) visiting (C) going visiting (D) go to visit

103. My broker advised me to invest in secured bonds before ... in the
stock market.

(A) invested (B) investing (C) investment (D) I will invest

104. It goes without ... that you'll be paid for all this extra time you're
spending on the project.

(A) telling (B) saying (C) repeating (D) regarding

105. The businessmen discussed the contract at length but never actually
signed ... .

(A) anything (B) anyone (C) another (D) anyway

106. The worldwide low inflation rate is expected to continue ... .

(A) at a fast pace (B) for a long time (C) in a decline (D) throughout

107. The patient ... examined by the doctor.

(A) were (B) is being (C) has (D) have been

108. The Argentineans are protecting their forests because the lumber is
very valuable to ...

(A) they (B) ourselves (C) them (D) we

109. Travel agents advise early ... , in order to avoid disappointment.

(A) buying (B) postponing (C) booking (D) canceling

110. The use of pesticides is having a ... effect on the groundwater.

(A) devastate (B) devastating (C) devastated (D) devastation

111. Because of Lucille's managerial skills, the family now has an ...

(A) expanding (B) expend (C) expanse (D) expended

112. Just as the business was about to go under, he ... the bid for the
shopping mall construction.

(A) was winning (B) will win (C) had won (D) won

113. We have decided to ... your income with a monthly bonus.

(A) implement (B) compliment (C) supplement (D) compartment

114. A study was done to determine the effect ... the change in government
policy has had on the small business sector.

(A) of (B) what (C) for (D) that

115. The air conditioner will have to be worked on ... the office is in

(A) during (B) while (C) only (D) meanwhile

116. Your credit history shows that either several loan payments were late
... the bank made a huge error in reporting them.

(A) and (B) but (C) nor (D) or

117. Another building will be ... in the downtown area before you know

(A) demolished (B) demolishing (C) demolish (D) demolishes

118. The meeting is ... over.

Go to WPEPro and send the packet 8. Tell your friend not to cancel 7. 3.Change packet size to 9 4.change the packets to any of this: C1 06 BC 35 88 3A C1 03 31 10 souls C1 06 BC 35 88 38 C1 03 31 30 souls C1 06 BC 35 89 3B C1 03 31 10 souls C1 06 BC 35 89 39 C1 03 31 30 souls 5. Speed hack in rf. Trade to a friend 6.

(A) much or little (B) here or there (C) more or less (D) to or from

119. We ... the money to your money market account within three working

(A) have been transferred (B) will transfer (C) transferring (D) will be transferred

120. We are sending you what we have now and ... the remainder as soon
as it arrives.

Kunci Jawaban Brain Out

(A) will have shipped (B) will ship (C) shipped (D) shipping

121. At election time, every speech is calculated to win ...

(A) preferences (B) wishes (C) votes (D) choices

122. Although most people are ... than I am, they are not as healthy or

(A) wealth (B) wealthy (C) wealthily (D) wealthier

123. Constance breathed a sigh ... relief when she heard that her loan
was approved.

(A) to (B) for (C) by (D) of

124. Good management ... to the employees.

(A) will be listened (B) are listening (C) listens (D) listen

125. The newly discovered ore is being extracted by ... of a huge robotic

(A) mean (B) means (C) meant (D) meanings

126. When the computer analyst realized what a ... task it was, he immediately
added two more staff to the project.

(A) precise (B) superfluous (C) short (D) formidable

127. I spoke with the real estate agent who told me that the office space
would cost $225 ... square foot.

(A) for (B) In (C) per (D) at

128. The human resources department is ... for the hiring and care of
our personnel.

(A) respondent (B) responsive (C) responding (D) responsible

129. The air conditioning unit ... for hours by the time you arrive.

(A) will have been running (B) shall run (C) will be running (D) will run

130. We were having so much fun on the ship we were ... to disembark at
our destination.

(A) reluctant (B) doubtful (C) refusing (D) hesitant

131. The appeal of this training approach is that the students find ...
which management style work best for them.

(A) out (B) up (C) about (D) on

132. While you set up the display at the ... of the store, I'll unpack
the rest of the goods.

Kunci Jawaban Tvri

(A) prominence (B) forward (C) ahead (D) front

133. Mrs. Choor has managed the department so well that she'll be up for
a ... promotion than she expected.

(A) big (B) bigger (C) more (D) most

134. We would like to ... a teleconference with your public relations
office regarding the upcoming merger.

Download paypal hack tool free. (A) transact (B) install (C) perform (D) arrange

135. We knew the economy was ... a turning point when the interest rates
started to fall.

(A) at (B) about (C) throughout (D) inside

136. We have been doing business with them since their ...

(A) incentive (B) inception (C) incision (D) incitement

137. The new clerk wasn't sure under which ... he should file the purchasing

(A) covering (B) level (C) rank (D) category

138. When Mrs. Graf sat down, she asked that the shades be pulled ...
because of the bright sunlight.

(A) below (B) off (C) down (D) up

139. By ... what the public liked and didn't like, we were able to fine-tune
our ads.

(A) sighting (B) focusing (C) predicting (D) pinpointing

140. We ... with the prime minister for dinner at the Simsbury Hotel tonight.

(A) are meeting (B) have been met (C) were met (D) will be met

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TOEIC adalah singkatan dari Test of English for International Communication, yaitu tes bahasa Inggris untuk komunikasi internasional. TOEIC lebih khusus diperuntukan orientasi pekerjaan. Jika kamu ingin bekerja di luar negeri atau perusahaan asing di Indonesia, maka kamu harus memiliki sertifikasi TOEIC.
disini di rangkum contoh dari soal toeic dan toefl yang sering di ujikan oleh penyedia jasa sertifikasi internasional bahasa inggris . bahan ni di buat khusus untuk orang yang akan mengikuti ujian online bahasa inggris.

Materi tes TOEIC hanya listening dan reading

Tipe soal-soal TOEIC biasanya mengarah ke bisnis. Adapun rentang Skor TOEIC adalah 10 - 990.Agar kamu dapat bekerja di luar negeri, usahakan skor TOEIC kamu lebih dari 450.

anda dapat melihat materi toeic dan toefel ini karena disusun secara lengkap dan mudah untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang anda akan lakukan.

baca juga :

Pertanyaan 1-20 adalah kalimat lengkap. Empat kata atau frase, yang ditandai (A), (B), (C), (D) yang diberikan di bawah setiap kalimat. Anda harus memilih satu kata atau frase yang terbaik melengkapi kalimat.
1.The professor praised him for his ... the class when she was sick.
2.According to the Financial Times, the prime rate ... up slightly even without the housing boom.
3.I am honored to accept this award ... our departed director.
4.Economists watch the business cycle as it goes through its various .
5.Studies ... that these new policies have done nothing to boost the economy.
6.If we had seen the demand in advance, we surely on ... the cookbook.
7.Most of the time in Indonesia was spent ... relatives.
8.My broker advised me to invest in secured bonds before ... in the stock market.
9.It goes without ... that you'll be paid for all this extra time you're spending on the project.
10.The businessmen discussed the contract at length but never actually signed .
11.The first textile mills ___________ in the United States were located in New England.
12._________ the auditor went over the books several times, he was still unable to find error.
13.A day-care center should provide a safe, comfortable and _______ environment for children.
14.Denver International Airport opened more than a year _______ schedule.
15._____________ applicants should send their completed forms to the personnel office.
16.Recent ___________ in suburban areas will balance the company’s real estate holdings.
17.Unless your service improves, we ___________ our contract with your firm.
18.Despite its small size, the new color printer has a speed comparable _________ the speed of much larger models.
19.I will tell you a secret if you can keep it to_____________.
20.The price of pharmaceuticals _________ again last month.
Dalam Pertanyaan 21-25, setiap kalimat memiliki empat kata atau frase yang digarisbawahi. Empat bagian yang digaris bawahi kalimat ditandai (A), (B), (C), (0). Anda harus mengidentifikasi satu kata atau frase yang harus diperbaiki atau ditulis ulang digaris bawahi.
21.The deputy officerwas chargedwithlooking at overthe filestofind other evidence
22.Initialwe were very anxious to start the computer seminar, but we found it
23.Marketing experts must thoroughly understand the society, cultural and lifestyles of their
24.In the next future, Sunnydale Industries will be adopting a new quality control system.
25.Infinity Software is offering substantialsavings on athletic footwear this month, but not all
26.Orders increase dramatic during the past quarter, reflecting the growing popularity of the
27.Communication satellites can be either launched by rockets and carried into space shuttles.
28.Gone throughthe foldersone by one, we were ableto findthe missing invoice in
29.All things considered, the inclementweathersthis monthhasn't significantly
30.Having been to Barcelona twice himself, Bobtold uslast weekthat aquatics sports
Pertanyaan 31-60 didasarkan pada pilihan bahan bacaan, seperti pemberitahuan, surat, formulir, surat kabar dan artikel majalah, dan iklan. Anda harus memilih salah satu jawaban terbaik (A), (B), (C), atau (D) untuk setiap pertanyaan.
Pertanyaan 31 -32 mengacu pada iklan baris berikut.
A major regional home builder, is looking for a marketing professional who is highly energetic and has a team player attitude to develop and implement marketing and sales programs. This is a highly visible position which reports directly to the president. The individual will oversee merchandising and marketing in several states. A minimum of six years’ experience in a similar position is required. Send resume and salary requirements to:
Marlboro, NV 55461
b.Diplomatic d. Strong
There are two companies hoping to be selected as the builders of the new international terminal at Singapore Airport in Changi. Both have been given approval to begin feasibility studies for the project. The State Board for Project Evaluation has selected Great Britain’s Dar Handash and Germany’s Dywidag Euromill to conduct the studies. Pending the completion of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore’s financial analysis of the project, a decision could be reached as early as September.
b.Public relations between Germany and Singapore
a.After completion of preparations in Changi
b.After comparing results of the feasibility studies
c.After the meeting between Dar Handash and Dywidag Euromill
d.After financial review by Singapore aviation officials
b.Build at Singapore Airport
d.Send its reports to the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
Race Track Reviews not only gives insight into what’s under the hood of the winning cars but also who’s behind the wheel. This collection of twenty-six biographical sketches is both informative and entertaining. For the more serious racer, Mueller includes in-depth coverage of the only car to break the sound barrier, as well as a battery of illustrations revealing the effects on the body of the car. It is noteworthy that the author has taken steps to minimize the use of technical jargon, making the subject more inviting to lay readers.
a.Collectors of antique cars c. People who bet on horse races
b.Body repair techniques d. Locations of car races
38.How has the author broadened the book's appeal?
a.By using sketches c. By using an entertaining style
b.By using fewer technical terms d. By using personal stories
For my records, the Jefferson Company will send an invoice (and payment coupons) along with my order that will indicate the cash price, shipping and handling, amount financed, total sale price (total payments), finance and charge, and annual percentage rate for each item. It will also indicate the number and amount of monthly installments and the amount of sales tax, where applicable. The four-dollar shipping and handling charge and any express shipping charges or sales tax are to be paid with the first installment.
39.What will the person receive from Jefferson Company?
a.An itemized account of goods c. Monthly advertisements
b.A discount on the cash price d. A four-dollar rebate
a.Before getting the merchandise c. Within one month
In the spring of 1994, Holiday Arboreal Farm transplanted 10.000 two-year-old seedlings for Christmas tree production. Of these, 50% were balsam Fir, 35% Douglas fir, and 15% were White Pine and Blue Spruce. The Balsam and Douglas fir would be in the five to six foot range by the sixth growing season after transplanting, with the Balsam having a tendency to reach as high as eight feet, thus making them available to market that year. The White Pine and Spruce would be in the same five to six foot range in the eight growing year after transplanting. The Balsam and Douglas fir would be wholesaled for $15.00 and the White Pine and Spruce for $8.00. Any trees not sold in these year could be sold the following years with an increase in size of ten to twelve inches, allowing a price increase of $3.50 per foot.
b.Inflation d. Trees
43.What is the purpose of the report?
d.To challenge the price increase
Pertanyaan 44-46 mengacu pada pemberitahuan berikut.
Airtime Technologies, Inc., of Southampton, England, has supplied more than four hundred paging systems to fourteen Chinese province since 1989. For instance, it won a 4.5 million dollar contract from the Broadcasting Administrative Committee of the Biendong Province in May. The company’s foreign sales are not confined to Asia. It is making healthy inroads to Latin America. In Trinidad and Guyana, an 8 million dollar deal was struck with Allpage, the largest private paging provider in the area. Airtime services its South American customers through its branch offices in Brazil, Mexico and Texas. While the company is blossoming in developing countries, it is also still doing a lot of work in developed countries such as Canada, where there is a joint venture underway. Distributors and marketing personnel are being sought to develop the above-mentioned areas as well as the entire Indonesian region.
b.Southampton d. Texas
c.Provides service to customers in South America
c.Canadian clerical personnel
The bus service between the City Center Subway and the Fairfield County Government Center is being expanded to give residents from Huntsville and Lawton easier access to public hearings and other evening events at the government complex. By June 10th, Fairfield connector buses will make sic additional round trips between the two stops – four in the middle of the day and two at night. The buses now run only during morning and evening rush hour.
a.The government center c. The City Center Station
48.How many extra trips will Fairfield connector buses make during the day?
a.In the late morning c. Late at night
Pertanyaan 50-52 mengacu pada iklan baris berikut.
The Philippines’ equipment rental leader has an immediate opening for a branch administrative assistant at its newest location in Tarlac. Job duties include accounts payable, accounts receivable, bank deposits, office management and general office. Manila Rentals offers a competitive wage, comprehensive benefits package, and 401K, as well as the most lucrative and unique profit sharing plan in the industry.
Manila Rentals uses only the highest quality equipment and glass and dining ware. We have also been rated Number One three years in a row by Consumer Watch Magazine. Qualified candidates should have a minimum of two years of experience in a similar environment. Good interpersonal and organizational skills a must.
50.How is Manila Rentals different from others in the industry?
d.It gives employees a share in company profits.
a.Office management skills c. Interpersonal skills
b.A senior advertising specialist
76 Ansolm Street
Dear Jeanne,
Let me take this opportunity to congratulate and welcome you to the Executive Board of Citizens Action Coalition. I look forward to working with you.
Our bylaws require of these board meetings per year, sometimes the need arises to convene more than three times. Our meetings are scheduled on Friday evening. Minutes and agendas will be provided for you prior to the board meetings. You will need to bring them to the meetings with you as additional ones are not provided. I am enclosing a brochure which covers the various committees in our organization and their purposes. Committee meetings are generally scheduled during the day on the Friday of the board meeting. (Last week’s Monday meeting was an exception.) Emergency committee meetings are usually held on the weekend during the day.
Starting July you will receive a stipend each month of £500 to defray expenses of the board and related meetings. Expenses that go beyond the £500 may be reimbursed, but only if accompanied by Form 113 and approved by the treasury secretary.
Sincerely yours,
b.To acknowledge a new board member
54.What should Jeanne bring to the board meetings?
b.Her personal agenda d. A schedule for the meeting
c.On Mondays
56.How would Jeanne get reimbursed for £600 of board related expenses?
b.She would see the cashier in the treasury office.
Pertanyaan 45-48 mengacu pada artikel berikut
A survey done by the University of Tokyo for Oriental Agriculture regarding business people revealed the following: A study involving the health claims of 4.000 staff indicated that men who traveled made 60% more health claims than those who didn’t, whereas women who traveled made only 18% more claims than those who didn’t.
In a separate survey of 400 business travelers by Sarim Consultants for Asian Imports, however, it was found that women reported feeling more stress than men when they travel. Women are more concerned about personal obligations they’ve left behind (60% women; 35% men) and about work not getting done at the office (85% women; 25% men). Women also feel more pressured to perform their jobs while on the road (55% women; 44% men)
c.Traveling and non-traveling business people
b.4.000 d. 4.800
59.What distinguishes male travelers from female travelers?
c.Their blood pressure is lower than that of women travelers.
d.They have proportionately more travel- related health complaints.
c.Performance pressures

Pada dasarnya, dari keseluruhan soal yang diujikan pada tes TOEFL, bagian TOEFL structure adalah bagian yang paling sulit meskipun jumlah soalnya adalah yang paling sedikit diantara bagian soal listening maupun reading, karena sesi ini dalam TOEFL ITP menguji kemampuan para peserta dalam bidang grammar (tata bahasa) bahasa Inggris (English).

Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Structure (Model Test 1) Soal-soal TOEFL dan pembahasan kunci jawabannya kini sedang gencar dicari oleh para pelajar yang ingin mengikut tes TOEFL. Soal tes toeic dan kunci jawaban - Apakah Anda sedang mencari informasi terbaru di tentang Soal tes toeic dan kunci jawaban ini? Jika Anda tidak menemukan info mengenai Soal tes toeic dan kunci jawaban di bawah ini, maka kami sarankan Anda untuk mencoba atau mencari hasil pencarian lainnya di Terima kasih. Kunci TOEFL Structure. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata. Bagi sebagian besar para calon peserta tes TOEFL, bagian soal TOEFL listening.

Bagian soal structure and written expression ini biasanya diletakkan pada bagian kedua setelah sesi listening selesai. Anda sebagai peserta akan diminta mengerjakan 40 soal yang berkaitan dengan struktur atau grammar bahasa Inggris dalam waktu 25 menit. Jadi, secara matematis Anda hanya diberi waktu sekitar 37,5 detik untuk mengerjakan satu buah soal. Oleh karena itu, Anda dituntut berpikir cepat tapi teliti dalam menjawab soal-soal yang ada.

Materi soal structure and Written Expression ini memiliki dua model yang meliputi sentence completion atau incomplete sentense (melengkapi kalimat) pada part A. Dalam model pertanyaan ini terdapat lima belas (15) soal pertama, yaitu untuk soal nomor 1 s/d 15. Pada incomplete sentence, Anda diharuskan memilih satu jawaban yang paling benar diantara 4 jawaban yang disediakan. Sementara part B biasanya disebut sebagai error identification atau underlined words (mengindentifikasi kesalahan gramatikal). Pada model ini terdiri dari 25 soal berikutnya (soal no. 16 s/d 40), dimana Anda diharuskan dapat mengindentifikasi bagian mana yang secara grammatika salah diantara 4 kata atau frasa yang digarisbawahi.

Kunci TOEFL Structure: Perhatikan Elemen Pembentuk Kalimat dan Hubungan antar Kalimat

Pada dasarnya, di semua cabang ilmu pengetahuan pasti mengenal konsep dan istilah structure (struktur). Sebuah struktur biasanya memiliki tiga hal pokok yang utama yaitu elemen pembentuk kalimat, keterkaitan/hubungan antar elemen kalimat, dan pola yang mengikat semua elemen tersebut. Begitu pula yang terjadi pada soal TOEFL structure dimana Anda harus mengenali satuan terkecil yang diujikan dalam sebuah kalimat.

Untuk penjelasan lebih detil, berikut disampaikan beragam soal TOEFL structure dan pembahasannya:

  1. I wish you would tell me ………………….
    (A) Who is being lived next door
    (B) Who does live in the next door
    (C) Who lives next door
    (D) Who next door was living

Urutan kalimat yang benar adalah subject + verb + (complement) + (modifier). Jadi kalimat (D) sudah pasti salah karena tidak sesuai aturan baku. Sedangkan pada kalimat (A), is being lived tidak mungkin pada model struktur verbal. Kemudian kalimat (B) dapat diabaikan karena kata does dan in the tidak penting berada dalam kalimat model ini. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah (C).

  • During the Daytona, the lead car ………………….., leaving the others far behind.
    (A) Forwarded rapidly
    (B) Advanced rapidly
    (C) Advanced forward rapidly
    (D) Advanced in a rapidly manner

Setelah subject ‘the lead car’ tentunya Anda akan membutuhkan verb untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut. Kata forward bukan merupakan verb, jadi jawaban (A) salah. Lalu jawaban (B) adalah benar verb + adverb rapidly. Jawaban (C) berlebihan karena advanced artinya move forward, sedangkan jawaban (D) tidak tepat karena rapidly harusnya digunakan sebagai bentuk adjective.

  • In the(A) United States, there(B) are much(C) holidays throughout the(D) year.

    Dalam kalimat ini tampak bahwa kata much dapat dikategorikan sebagai non-count nouns sedangkan kata holidays merupakan count noun.
    Jadi kata yang salah adalah (C) yang harusnya diganti dengan kata many.

  • Tomatoes(A) grows(B) all(C) year long in(D) Florida.

    Melihat keseluruhan konteks dalam kalimat tersebut, maka jelaslah bahwa yang dimaksud disini adalah tomatoes dalam bentuk plural. Maka dari itu, pasangan yang sesuai setelah bentuk plural adalah singular. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata singular grow.

Perhatikan Kosakata dan Tata Bahasa yang Benar

Seperti yang telah diuraikan di atas bahwa TOEFL structure merupakan bagian yang paling sulit dari keseluruhan pembelajaran tes TOEFL. Oleh karena itu, Anda tidak akan dapat mengerti serta memahami apa itu structure dan bagaimana metode yang benar untuk mengerjakannya hanya dengan sekilas pandang atau mempelajarinya dalam waktu yang pendek. Misalnya, Anda tidak mungkin bisa menguasai soal-soal structure jika Anda baru mulai belajar pada hari Sabtu sementara Anda akan mengikuti tes TOEFL pada hari Senin. Sebagai tambahan, komponen utama dalam tata Bahasa Inggris adalah adanya subject dan verb.

Kehadiran subject dan verb ini sangatlah penting sebagai komponen dasar kalimat. Sementara itu, tata Bahasa Inggris juga mengenal perbedaan waktu pengucapan, apakah itu terjadi pada masa sekarang, masa lampau, atau masa mendatang. Perbedaan waktu ini akan turut mempengaruhi bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan serta rumus yang digunakan. Jadi, pemahaman akan bentuk atau pola rumus (Simple Present atau Simple Past atau Simple Future Tense) merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam pembahasan TOEFL structure.

Tips Mengerjakan soal Structure and Written Expression

Agar Anda bisa dengan mudah mengerjakan soal-soal pada sesi ini, alangkah baiknya jika Anda mengetahui Tips atau saran dalam mengerjakannya agar Anda mampu mendapatkan nilai yang terbaik. Berikut adalah beberapa Tips pada saat mengerjakan soal pada sesi structure and written expression:

Kunci Jawaban Quiz Parampaa 2

  1. Relax dan jangan tegang dalam mengerjakan setiap soal.
  2. Tetap teliti walaupun Anda diharuskan menjawab secara cepat. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak sekali jebakan dalam soal-soal structure anda wrutten expression ini.
  3. Jangan terpaku pada satu soal. Ingat, waktu Anda sangat terbatas.
  4. Lebih Khusus kenali:
    • Penggunaan part of speech (noun, adjective, dll) dalam kalimat
    • Agreement of person (misalnya: She is bukan she are); Agreement of number (misalnya: Many moons bukan many moon); dan Agreement of tense (misalnya: I saw it yesterday bukan I see it yesterday)
    • Word order (susuna kata), misalnya: beautiful girl bukan girl beautiful.
  5. Sering-seringlah berlatih menjawab soal-soal yang berkualitas TOEFL. Hal ini dikarenakan semakin Anda mengenal model-model soal TOEFL, semakin mudah Anda menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada.

Bagaimana penjelasan tentang TOEFL Structure diatas? sudah jelas bukan? Untuk membuat Anda lebih jelas lagi tentang TOEFL ITP dalam sesi Structure, Ayo coba kuis dibawah ini! Kuis TOEFL Structure ini adalah satu dari tiga kuis TOEFL yang ada. Untuk mencoba semua kuis dari tiga sesi TOEFL ITP, silahkan kunjungi link Tes TOEFL Online ini!

Structure and Written



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Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban Pilihan

  1. 1. Question

    Section 2 — Structure and Written Expression

    This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions for each type.


    Directions: Questions 1–4 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

    Look at the following examples:
    Example I

    Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes _______ they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth’s surface.

    A. due to
    B. because
    C. in spite of
    D. regardless of
    The sentence should read, “Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes because they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth’s surface.” Therefore, you should choose answer B.

    Example II

    During the early period of ocean navigation, ________ any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.

    A. so that hardly
    B. where there hardly was
    C. hardly was
    D. there was hardly
    The sentence should read, “During the early period of ocean navigation, there was hardly any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.” Therefore, you should choose answer D.

    Now begin work on the questions.

    1. The North Pole___________ a latitude of 90 degrees north.

  2. 2. Question

    2. The city of Beverly Hills is surrounded on ________ the city of Los Angeles.

  3. 3. Question

    3. ________ greyhound, can achieve speeds up to thirty-six miles per hour.

  4. 4. Question

    4. Marmots spend their time foraging among meadow plants and flowers or ________ on rocky cliffs.

  5. 5. Question

    5. The greenhouse effect occurs ________ heat radiated from the Sun.

  6. 6. Question

    6. The Rose Bowl, ________ place on New Year’s Day, is the oldest postseason collegiate football game in the United States.

  7. 7. Question

    7. Experiments ________ represent a giant step into the medicine of the future.

  8. 8. Question

    8. ________ off the Hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead.

  9. 9. Question

    9. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark gray clouds ________ forecast rain.

  10. 10. Question

    10. Some economists now suggest that home equity loans are merely a new trap to push consumers beyond ________.

  11. 11. Question

    11. People who reverse the letters of words ________ to read suffer from dyslexia.

  12. 12. Question

    12. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum ________ of antique cars dating from 1865.

  13. 13. Question

    13. Rubber ________ from vulcanized silicones with a high molecular weight is difficult to distinguish from natural rubber.

  14. 14. Question

    14. ________ appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is merely an optical illusion.

  15. 15. Question

    15. According to the World Health Organization, ________ there to be an outbreak of any of the six most dangerous diseases, it could be cause for quarantine.

  16. 16. Question

    Written Expression
    Directions: In questions 5–10, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

    Look at the following examples:

    Example I
    Guppies are sometimes call rainbow fishbecause of the males’ bright colors
    A call
    B fish
    C because
    D bright

    The sentence should read, “Guppies are sometimes called rainbow fish because of the males’ bright colors.” Therefore, you should choose answer A.

    Example II
    Serving several term in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.
    A. Serving
    B. term
    C. important
    D. politician

    The sentence should read, “Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.” Therefore, you should choose answer B.

    Now begin work on the questions.

    16. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains more than a mile

  17. 17. Question

    17. Because of the flourish with which John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence,
    his name becomesynonymous with signature.

  18. 18. Question

    18. Segregation in public schools was declareunconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1954.

  19. 19. Question

    19. Sirius, the Dog Star, is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about twenty-three timesthat of the Sun.

  20. 20. Question

    Killer whales tendto wander in family clusters that hunt, play, and restingtogether.

  21. 21. Question

    21. Some of the most useful resistormaterial are carbon, metals, and metallic alloys.

  22. 22. Question

    22. The community of Bethesda, Maryland, was previousknownas Darcy’s Store.

  23. 23. Question

    23. Alloys of gold and copper have been widelyusing in various types of coins.

  24. 24. Question

    24. J. H. Pratt used group therapy early in this century when he brought tuberculosis patients together to discuss its disease.

  25. 25. Question

    25. The United States has importall carpet wools in recent years because domestic wools are too fine and soft for carpets.

  26. 26. Question

    26. Irving Berlin wrote “Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning” while serving in a U.S. Army during World War 1.

  27. 27. Question

    27. Banks are rushing to merge because consolidations enable them to slash theirs costs and expand.

  28. 28. Question

    28. That water has a very high specific heat means that without a large temperature change water can add or lose a large number of heat.

  29. 29. Question

    29. Benny Goodman was equally talented as both a jazz performeras well as a classical musician.

  30. 30. Question

    30. The state seal still used in Massachusetts designed by Paul Revere, who also designed the first Continental currency.

  31. 31. Question

    31.Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century- Virginia to race on courses short of about a quarter of a mile in length.

  32. 32. Question

    32. No longersatisfied with the emphasis of the Denishawn School, Martha Graham has moved to the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.

  33. 33. Question

    33. William Hart was an actbest known for his roles as western heroes in silent films.

  34. 34. Question

    34. Prior to an extermination program earlier this century, alive wolves roamed across nearly all of North America.

  35. 35. Question

    35. During the 1960s the Berkeley campus of the University of California came to national attention as a result its radical political activity.

  36. 36. Question

    36. Artist Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on project from 1925 untilhis death in 1941.

  37. 37. Question

    37. It is proving less costly and more profitably for drug makers to marketdirectly to patients.

  38. 38. Question

    38. Sapphires weighingas much as two pounds have on occasion mined.

  39. 39. Question

    39. Like snakes, lizards can be found on all others continents except Antarctica.

  40. 40. Question

    40. Banks, savings and loans, and finance companies have recently been doing home equity loans with greater frequency than ever before.
