How To Get To Theramore From Stormwind


How To Get To Theramore From Stormwind Wow

In WoW Classic, travel is all done on foot. If you’re lucky enough to get a mount — at level 40, mind you — you can get around a little faster, but you can’t very well take a horse across the ocean. Whether you want to try out a new questing zone or your quests are taking you all over the place, here are all the ways you can travel between Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms as Horde or Alliance.

Hop on a boat

Apr 23, 2018 That should get you closer to where you want to go. Any Alliance mage level 40 or higher should have the portal spells for Ironforge and Stormwind. However the portal to Darnassus is only available to mages level 50 or higher. I'm assuming you're Alliance, as such, there's a couple of ways to get there. Get a mage to port you there. From The Eastern Kingdoms (Stormwind or Ironforge), fly to Menethil Harbor. From there, it'll be the boat on the left dock. (If you've got your hearth set to Dal, I'd take the portal to the Caverns of Time.

The Alliance favors boats to get them from place to place, and as an Alliance player you have two faction-controlled options to go between the two continents. Simply find your requisite side of the dock to take the appropriate boat.

  • The Bravery: This boat will take you from Auberdine in Darkshore (northwest Kalimdor) to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands (middle of Eastern Kingdoms). It docks on the left side in Auberdine and the right side in Menethil Harbor.
  • The Lady Mehley: This boat will take you from Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh (middle of Kalimdor) to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands (middle of Eastern Kingdoms). It only has one dock in Theramore, but docks on the left side in Menethil Harbor.

To get to these boat locations, flight points are available in Auberdine, Theramore, and Menethil Harbor. However, you’ll need to know all the flight points along your path in order to fly there.

Take the scenic route on a zeppelin

Horde players get to soar through the skies on a flying zeppelin in Horde-controlled areas. Simply climb up the zeppelin tower and find the zeppelin masters to take the right flight.

  • The Thundercaller: This zeppelin will take you from Durotar, outside Orgrimmar (Kalimdor), to Tirisfal Glades, outside Undercity (northern Eastern Kingdoms). This will be the one with Frezza or Zapetta.
  • The Iron Eagle: This zeppelin will take you from Durotar, outside Orgrimmar, to Grom’gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale (southern Eastern Kingdoms). This will be the one with Snurk Bucksquick or Nez’raz.

To get to these zeppelin locations, flight points are available in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Grom’gol. However, you’ll need to know all the flight points along your path in order to fly there.

Hitch a ride with the Neutral Goblins

There is one path between Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms that both factions can take. If you’re on a PVP server, take caution — both these areas are historically heavily contested.

  • The Maiden’s Fancy: This boat will take you from Ratchet in The Barrens (middle of Kalimdor) to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale (southern Eastern Kingdoms).

Both factions can access the flight points in Ratchet and Booty Bay. Like the others, you’ll need to already have learned all the flight locations along your path in order to fly all the way there.

Make friends with a Mage

If time is of the essence and you want a quick trip, higher level Mages can port players to the various capitol cities. For Alliance, Mages get portals to Stormwind and Ironforge at level 40, and Darnassus at level 50. For Horde, Orgrimmar and Undercity are available at level 40, with Thunder Bluff at 50.

WoW Classic is all about the journey, but hopefully these ways to travel lessen a bit of that time for you. If you’re bored or feeling particularly frisky, you can also head over to the opposite faction’s boat or zeppelin locations. There is nothing actually preventing Alliance from riding zeppelins or Horde from riding the boats, as long as you can make it past the guards and any enemy players who take umbrage with your presence.

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Travel Guide
Alliance Travel GuideHorde Travel Guide
  • 2How to get there

Booty Bay or bust!

Why would you want to go to Booty Bay?

  • A neutral Auction House (Bank nearby).
  • Higher level Trainers and Vendors.
    • The trainers in a Trade City will train you in a respective profession until you're ready to go to Outland trainers. Who can resist a Goblin Vendor though?
  • Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza.
  • Boat to Ratchet in Kalimdor - access to Wailing Caverns.
  • Hanging out (or fighting) with the Horde.
  • Gurubashi Arena nearby.

How to get there

This is how to get from the Humancity of Stormwind to the Neutral city of Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale at the southern tip of the Eastern Kingdoms:

Run through Darkshire and Stranglethorn Vale

There's a dangerous path straight south through Stranglethorn Vale you can take:

  1. Either fly from Stormwind to the town of Darkshire in Duskwood or run southeast to get there (you can safely do this around level 20). You can also follow the road south from the Redridge Mountains.
  2. Follow the road south from Darkshire and turn west with the road.
  3. Keep going west until you get to a road going south (at the intersection should be a tent with Darkshire watchers) and go south.
  4. The road south leads into Stranglethorn Vale. For characters under level 30, this area can be scary, so be wary of mobs. You may die a few times.
    • There's an alliance flight path right when you get to Stranglethorn Vale. Cross the first bridge (over a dry gully), follow the road, and head west at the first intersection. The flight path is in the Rebel Campsubzone.
  5. Follow the winding road generally south over a couple of rope bridges past the Venture Company base camp and continue south.
  6. You should pass the Gurubashi Arena and eventually get to a large shark head at the opening of a cave guarded by Goblin bruiser guards.
  7. Go through the cave tunnel and you've made it to Booty Bay!

If you are a lowbie, and die along the way, you can't keep running as a ghost until you get to the cave right outside Booty Bay. Although there is a Spirit Healer just slightly east of the cave entrance, you can't resurrect from there and run right inside Booty Bay, because if you try to resurrect at a different Spirit Healer, it will resurrect you back at the graveyard you died at.

Swim from Westfall

Another way to get to Booty Bay from Stormwind is to start from Westfall. This method is recommended for lowbies (lvls 10-19) since it is the safest.

  1. Fly to Sentinel Hill in Westfall, then run southwest until you reach the southern coastline of Westfall.
  2. Proceed to swim south towards Booty Bay. Stranglethorn Vale's western coast is quite generous in how far you can stray away from shore without being fatigued, so you can swim in an almost straight line. Note that this takes about twenty minutes.
  3. Stay away from the shoreline, you don't want to aggro mobs or alert Horde players at Grom'Gol!
  4. When you reach Booty Bay's harbor there is a ramp in the center of the dockside that will allow you to get out from the water.
  5. Welcome to Booty Bay!

Along the coast of Theramore Island

Another, both relatively quick and rather safe - way to get to Booty Bay from Stormwind or other Alliance territories is to take the roundabout route via Kalimdor.

  1. Start in Menethil Harbor (fly there, or walk the long way; pick up the flight path if you do not have it).
  2. Take the boat to Theramore Island
  3. Head north along the beach to Ratchet. There are some level 37-38 Murlocs in the way, but you can completely avoid them by swimming east around Island Alcaz. Closer to Ratchet are some level 13-16 pirates, but they too are easily avoided. If you die to the pirates you will resurrect directly at Ratchet. It should be mentioned that along the beach there are various Defias mobs, all ranging from 37-38. Simply swimming in the water will not avoid them, either, because Defias Divers (also 37-38) are almost unavoidable. Swimming east around Alcaz is the best route.
  4. From Ratchet, take the boat to Booty Bay.

If you take this route, you also get the flight paths in Theramore Island and Ratchet as a bonus - don't forget to pick them up! This route is especially easy for Night Elves, who can take the boat from Auberdine to Menethil Harbor, and who get easy access to the Barrens this way too (skipping Ashenvale and/or Stonetalon Peak).

Ghost run through Ratchet

If you're an extremely low character, or don't want to die a lot, try this:

  1. Follow the path from 'Run through Darkshire and Stranglethorn Vale'.
  2. Once you die, keep running as a ghost, until you get to Booty Bay.
  3. Still as a ghost, get on the boat to Ratchet, and resurrect there. (If you rez at Booty Bay, you will end up back where you died.)
  4. Get the flight path in Ratchet, and take the boat back to Booty Bay.
  5. You can also run a bit out of the coast till you get fatigue and die (while still a corpse) that will take you to the graveyard next to Booty Bay so no need to go all the way to Ratchet.

Stormwind To Tanaris

Ashenvale to Ratchet

How To Get To Pandaria From Dalaran

For a character close to level 20, this might be the best way. (The swim from Westfall is not hard, but it is tedious.)
This is especially useful if you are already in Silverwing Grove buying Warsong GulchPvP reward gear from Illiyana Moonblaze.

Wow How To Get To Theramore From Stormwind

  1. Take the boat from Stormwind to Auberdine on Darkshore.
  2. Follow the road south from Auberdine through Astranaar in Ashenvale.
  3. Keep going west along the road past the sign for Raynewood Retreat.
  4. After you cross a bridge spanning a river, turn south on the road toward the Barrens, which passes Silverwing Outpost.
  5. As you approach the Mor'shan Rampart head east off the road. You will see a gap in the wall which is safe and has no guards.
  6. Go through the gap and keep heading south. Ratchet is southeast of your entry into the Barrens.
  7. Paralleling the road works, but stay clear of Horde guard towers, and skirt around Crossroads.
  8. Take the road southeast from the Crossroads to Ratchet.
  9. Another option for crossing the Barrens to Ratchet is to go through The Sludge Fen east to the Southfury River.
  10. Then follow the Southfury River south to Ratchet, avoiding the Horde guards at the bridge across the Southfury River.
  11. Once in Ratchet, take the boat to Booty Bay.

Azshara From Stormwind

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