Tenali Raman Stories English Pdf

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The Parrots Plight

One day, the king was taking a walk in the garden with Tenali Ramanna. They talked with each other in a friendly manner and together admired the fleecy white clouds, the luxurious gardens, the colorful fruit laden trees and the flower scents that wafted through the air. The day was indeed very pleasant and the king couldn't have been in a better mood.

Om Books Editorial Team — in. Format: PDF, Kindle Download: 526 Download: 709 Format: PDF, ePub He is also called Tenali Raman by some. Download: 655 He claimed that he could defeat anyone with his knowledge. Tenali Rama and the Goddess Kali – Childhood Story Of Tenali Raman Ramakrishna was born in a village in Andhra Pradesh during the early part of the sixteenth. Jul 21, 2020 Tenali Raman And The Stolen Wells. One year, in the kingdom of Vijaynagar, the monsoon season was poor. The King ordered one of his ministers to dig fresh wells all over the kingdom so that his people would not suffer during the hot summer season. Download Tenali Raman Stories:Bedtime Stories: https://www.magicbox.co.in/Bedtime-Stories-p2022734. Jan 18, 2016 Please watch: 'Sundarban Bedtime Stories 3 NON STOP Animal Stories for Kids Episode 7, 8, 9 Hindi 4K Video' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9WS2Epb. Tenali Raman Stories for Kids in English Geethanjali - Cartoons for kids channel has various kinds of videos for kids such as short moral stories for childre.

As they walked back to the palace, they heard a screeching noise. The king smiled as he recognized the screech. It came from his beloved and most cherished pet- the royal parrot. Ramanna also followed the king as he entered the palace. The parrot had a room of its own. Inside the room a beautiful golden cage stood embedded with all the precious stones.

The parrot, a very bright colored creature was sitting perched on a tiny swing made of gold. It wore a diamond necklace around its neck. It was beautiful bird and when it saw the king it began to talk like a good old friend. Ramanna noticed that the cage was carpeted with a lush Kashmir spread and the silver bowl that contained water for the parrot gleamed in the sun. An assorted selection of nuts and berries from all the corners of the land lay on a golden plate which bore the bird's name intricately carved in silver on the side.

The king spent a few minutes talking to his dream pet and Tenali stood silently beside them not uttering a word. The king seeing that Tenali remained silent asked him “What are you thinking Tenali?' 'I am thinking about this parrot my Lord' he replied. 'So what about him? Isn't he a beauty?' asked the King. 'Yes, I guess he is Lord' replied Ramanna. 'Of course he is!' There is no doubt about that. So what are you wondering at?' demanded the King. 'I am wondering my Lord , if....' 'Well what are you speculating Tenali ? Out with it soon. I am fed up with your long pauses and sighs,' said the King, a little impatient that the usual quick was dragging. 'Well, I was wondering whether the bird was happy, my Lord,' replied Ramanna.

'Happy? You must be out of your mind Tenali!' thundered the King. 'Look at this parrot. Is he not happy? See the finery with which he is surrounded. No other bird has the opportunity to perch on my fingers. No other bird in the entire universe has a cage like this. How dare you say that he is not happy!' 'Forgive me my Lord for contradicting you,' replied Tenali humbly, 'but still I think that he is not happy deep within'

'Why on earth do you think so? Has he expressed anything to you?' asked the King a little concerned. 'No, the parrot doesn't talk to me as he does to you my Lord. But I know that he is not happy. I do agree that your parrot has indeed everything a man could wish for. But he is a bird my Lord. And birds need to be up in the sky and not in a cage. Look at all those birds outside my Lord. I find your parrot looking at them quite often.'

The King looked at the birds outside and said “He may not have the freedom to fly around like them. But he doesn't have to go searching for his food and shelter like the rest either. He is not unhappy for sure!'
'I may sound impudent my Lord, but I totally disagree with you on this. Birds should be free to fly and soar up in the sky. Golden cages can’t replace the freedom they long for. It's very lonely for your parrot hereafter you have gone. Just imagine yourself my Lord in this place all shut up till someone comes to see you? Can you really be happy even if you had the best bed to lie on and the best food to eat?'

The King became angry and shouted “How dare you argue with me Tenali ? I know for sure that my parrot is happy. I will not agree with you.' Unmoved by the angry king, Tenali simply replied,” I’ll surely not agree this time with you either my Lord. Your parrot is downright miserable.' The King couldn't bare it anymore. He became furious and screamed “Get out of my sight Tenali. I don't want to see your face ever again.'

The King walked out of the room and shut it with a bang. He didn't go to the court. He missed his lunch, tea and dinner and none including the queen dared to go near him, afraid of his anger. The next morning the king woke up tired and hungry. His anger had cooled down to a great extent and he wanted to eat well to makeup for the previous day. He summoned his courtiers for food.
After a while he heard a knock at the door. The door opened and in front of him stood a strange creature holding his food tray. The creature wore human clothes but his head was nothing but a blackened pot with 2 holes for the eyes. The king screamed in fright and yelled for his guards. All of them came and stood around the strange black creature not having courage to catch him. The king asked him, 'Who are you? What brings you here to my place?' From inside the depths of the pot came a meek voice, 'My Lord, your loyal servant Tenali Ramanna'
'Tenali Ramanna! How dare you come to me? I told you never to show your face again, isn't it?' thundered the king. 'I have kept your orders my Lord. That's why I am wearing a pot on my head- to cover my face,' replied the witty minister.
The king was so shocked to find Ramanna inside the pot that he stood speechless for a moment. Then his anger melted away and he burst out laughing. He laughed so hard till tears came rolling down his cheeks.
The guards and courtiers, who were terrified to even go near the king the previous day because of his anger, heaved a huge sigh of relief and grinned at each other, well pleased at the change in the Kings mood. When he calmed down, the king said 'Ramanna! How clever you are! Remove the pot off your head. I need to talk to you.'

The king dismissed the guards and he pulled Ramanna to his room and said, 'Ramanna! Please forgive me. I have realized that I was wrong. I thought over whatever you said all through the night. Yes, birds do need their freedom indeed. The first thing we need to do this morning is to set him free. Please forgive me for being so angry with you. I shall never again do so.'
'I am so glad to hear your decision my Lord,' replied Ramanna removing the pot off his head.” I hope and pray that your parrot is happy wherever he is. I am sure my Lord that even if you release him, he will come and visit you often in our gardens. He will not forget your friendship though he is free.'

'I hope so Ramanna! But I will be happy even if he does not return. After all he belongs to the sky and not to a golden cage. And Ramanna, here is a bag of gold and gift for opening my eyes. Please do feel free to come to me whenever you wish. I am so proud to have you to advise me.' Handing Ramanna the bag of gold, the King headed to the other end of his palace to release the parrot.

Ramakrishna was born in a village in Andhra Pradesh during the early part of the sixteenth century. When he was very young, his father passed away and he grew up to be a very carefree child who was found always in the company of naughty boys of the village.

When he was wandering aimlessly through the streets of the village one day, he met a sage who advised him to pray to Goddess Kali. Listening to his advice, Ramakrishna went and prayed to Goddess Kali sincerely by chanting mantras. After repeating it eleven crore and eleven times, Mother Kali appeared. She looked terrifying with thousand faces. Soon

after he saw her, he took her blessings by touching her feet and immediately burst in to peals of laughter. Seeing him laugh uncontrollably, Goddess Kali asked him to tell her the reason for his laughter.

Still laughing, he replied,” Divine Mother! It is really hard for us to wipe our single nose with two hands. I was wondering how you would manage to wipe your thousand noses with two hands if you caught cold.”

Ramakrishna again fell at her feet and asked her to forgive him for laughing at her.The smile and the sense of humor of the boy pleased the Goddess. She blessed him and offered him two glasses, one with milk and one with curd.

Tenali Raman Cartoon

Asking him to choose one among them, she told him that he would be blessed with knowledge if he chose milk and he would be rich if he chose curd. Ramakrishna thought for a second and told the Goddess that he would be able to choose, only if he had a closer look at both the glasses.


Trusting him, the Goddess handed over the glasses to Ramakrishna. In a split of a second, the clever Ramakrishna drank both. Mother Kali Devi was very annoyed with him and wanted to curse him.

He immediately bowed before the mother and explained that life would be complete and comfortable only if one had both fame and money.

Pleased by his presence of mind and outwitting quality, The Goddess blessed him to attain fame, money and also the ability to make people laugh. He soon mastered all learning’s and became famous as the great humorist, the comic poet Ramakrishna. Because of his great wit and humor, he soon gained popularity as ‘Vikatakavi’.

Message – Achieving a comfortable life we should have to drank both glass in our life.

The Old Woman and The Money Box – First Case Of Tenali Raman

One day Ramanna went to the capital city of the kingdom. Ramanna was observing the strangers in the city. He saw four people, who were thieves, going into an inn.

They gave a bundle of money to the keeper of the inn. The inn-keeper was an old lady who was recently been widowed after the death of her husband. While Ramanna was looking at them, one of them said, “Madam, we will stay here for two or three days.

You please preserve this box with you. You should give this box only if all of us come together and claim for it. But do not give it to any one of us if we come alone.” She agreed for it and the four men went away.

After wandering around for some time in the city, the men again reached back to the inn. But before they entered the inn, they had some serious discussion amongst themselves.

As they required some money, they sent one of them to bring the box from the keeper of the Inn. The thief went inside and asked her for the money box. She said, ”Look, as you came alone to claim the box, I can not give it.

As I promised before, I will give the box only if all the four of you come together.” “My friends are waiting outside. They sent me to get the box. If you don’t believe, please come out and ask them. They are waiting out side”, requested the thief.

She came out and asked the rest of the thieves whether she could give the box to him. They nodded their heads in agreement. So she went inside, got the box and handed it over to him. The thief took the box and quietly escaped from the back door.

After some time, the remaining thieves got a doubt and went inside the inn. They could not find their friend anywhere. Hence, they went to the innkeeper and asked her for the money box.

She said that she had given it to their friend as they suggested earlier. Immediately the three men got angry and scolded the old woman. The poor old woman kept quiet. Finally they said to her, “We don’t want to listen your explanation.

We told you to give the box when all of us come and claim for it. But you gave it to only one person. That box contains thousand rupees. You have to pay that money.

Otherwise we will complain to the authorities. She replied politely, “I don’t know anything. I asked all of you before giving it to him. With your permission only I handed over the box to the fourth one of your group. I am just a poor inn – keeper.

I don’t have that much amount of money with me. How could I give it to you? You please understand my position”. The thieves did not care for her words.

They held her shoulder and dragged her on to the street. They asked her to come to the king’s court. She kept crying. At last they took her to the judge.


The judge listened to their versions and gave his judgement. He ordered the old woman to pay thousand rupees to the three men. But where could she get thousand rupees? In addition to this there was no mistake from her side.

So, she cursed the judge for miscarriage of justice. Ramanna saw her in pain and was aware of the whole incidence. He yelled, “The king is going to lose his throne. He is not looking into the problems of the people. He is a fool to appoint such judges. It is his duty

to see that justice prevails, but he is ignorant. Such a king will have a quick downfall.” The royal soldiers who were passing by the way heard the caustic words of Ramanna against the king and took him to the palace. They informed the king, “Your majesty, this man is blaming and cursing you. That is why we have arrested him and brought here.”

The king asked Ramanna,” Who are you? What brings you here to this city?” Ramanna replied,” Sir, I live in a village which is just five miles away from here.

My name is Ramanna. Everyone calls me as Maryada Ramanna”. The king said, “Oh, so you are Maryada Ramanna. I have heard about your wisdom. Please, tell me now, what is my mistake and why are you blaming me ?”. . . Ramanna replied politely,”

Sir, if your judge makes a mistake it will be attributed to you. You should be responsible.” The king agreed with a smile, “Yes, you are right Ramanna. Come on, please tell me the mistake made by the judge. I will try my best to rectify it.”

Then Ramanna narrated the entire incidence of the poor old woman and the fraudsters. He finally said, “Sir, The judge passed his verdict without checking thoroughly. It is said that ten culprits can walk away free but it is a grave sin to punish an innocent person. The old woman is innocent and she was punished for no mistake of her by this judge.”

Ramanna was very polite to the king and his speech impressed the king. The king said, “You are absolutely correct Ramanna. I have heard that you are a just man and you are always fair.

Now I need your help in solving this problem. What will be your verdict in this case, please do let me know?” Ramanna asked that the old woman and the three men be bought into the court. Lot of people gathered to see Ramanna’s first case in the king’s court.

Ramanna asked both parties to narrate their side of the story. He heard both the versions intently and thought for some time. He finally spoke, “It is beyond doubt that the old woman agreed to give to safeguard the money box.

It is also agreed that per the terms and conditions she can give the box only when all the four of you come together. So now the three of you go home and come back with your fourth friend to get the box back.

Tenali raman stories english pdf download

Till then the old woman has no obligation to return the box to only the three of you.” The faces of the three fraudsters went flat, they were beaten at their game by Ramanna.

The poor old woman blessed Ramanna and the entire court bursted into cheers and claps on this judgement. “Long live Ramanna!” chants erupted all over. The king was overwhelmed and said, “Ramanna, You are really a genius. Your judgments should not confine to one village.


You should stay in this court. I would like to appoint you to be our new judge. Please accept my request. Please tackle all the complaints that come to our court fairly and give your valuable judgments. Then no one can blame me and curse me and everybody will be happy.” The people cheered again and Ramanna accepted to be the judge and his entire family shifted to the capital city.

One day, Krishnadevaraya displayed his portrait in the court. An the courtiers appreciated the painting and the artist. Surprisingly, Tenali Rama remained silent. The Emperor was surprised at this.

“Rama, don’t you have anything to say?” “My lord, I don’t find anything great about this painting. In fact, it is incomplete. It shows only one side of your face.

The artist doesn’t deserve any credit!”, remarked Rama. “Rama, you don’t know how to judge a good painting. A painting need not be complete. One has to imagine a lot to judge the merit of a painting. It is very easy to criticize. Tell me, can you draw anything like this?

Tenali Raman Stories In English

I doubt whether you can even hold the brush, leave alone paint any object. Well, you draw something and bring it to me.” Rama was not seen in the court for some days. One day, he entered with two bodyguards holding a painting.

Tenali Raman Story Tamil

Everyone was confused to see only the rear portion of a horse in the painting. “What is this Rama? I can see only the tail of a horse,” commented the Emperor.

Free Tenali Raman Stories

“My lord, its body is outside the canvas. Didn’t you say, one has to imagine a lot to judge the merit of a good painting?” said Rama with a smirk. Krishnadevaraya laughed loudly. “Rama, no one can outwit you”, said the Emperor, as he reached for a purse to reward Rama..