Skyrim Forgotten City Best Ending

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Sep 27, 2017 Skyrim: “The Forgotten City”, The Return VI Posted on September 27, 2017 January 12, 2020 by Anthony B. This is the 6th and final part of a multi-post series on the Skyrim mod, “The Forgotten City”. Skyrim: “The Forgotten City”, The Return VI Posted on September 27, 2017 January 12, 2020 by Anthony B. This is the 6th and final part of a multi-post series on the Skyrim mod, “The Forgotten City”. Once you finish off Naranbus, head to the cross-passage at the end of the room. On the left end of the passage is a door that leads to a balcony overlooking the Forgotten City. The right end of the passage leads to a locked gate, barring a ramp that leads down to something. Other than the locked passages, this is the end of the Palace.

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The Forgotten City Endings

Answer Cassia's Plea.
Quest Giver:Courier delivery upon reaching level 5
Location(s):The Forgotten City
Added by:TES5Mod:The Forgotten City

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Travel to The Forgotten City.
  2. Speak to Cassia.
  3. Enter the Forgotten City
  4. Claim the Lakehouse key

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Skyrim Forgotten City Best Ending Series

Upon reaching level 5, the Courier will approach you, saying 'I have a letter here for you.'

This will begin the quest, and Cassia's Plea will open and read itself to you. The note invites you to investigate the promise of 'Riches Beyond Imagining', which Cassia promises can be found in Forgotten Ruins in The Reach. She will request that you travel to the ruins and help her find her brother, Altrius, who explored them but did not return.

The Forgotten Ruins are just west of Purewater Run and east-south-east of Hag Rock Redoubt, between two waterfalls. After entering it behind the first, its interior door will automatically open for you, revealing Cassia standing before a pedestal and a plaque written in Dwarven lettering: 'Riches Beyond Imagining'.

Approach her, but be ready for her to draw her sword as she angrily yells 'That's close enough- [sic]who are you?' Depending on receipt of her letter, following your introduction, the conversation could proceed one of two ways:

Who are you?
'What do you mean? Didn't you get my letter? I paid good coin to a courier to track you down, and you're saying you just came here by coincidence?
Well, perhaps it's fate. The thing is, my younger brother went down this shaft a few days ago and I'm worried he's stuck down there, or worse.
I know this is a lot to ask, but I need you to go in after him, and bring him back to me alive. Do you think you could do that for me?'
I got your letter
'Oh, it's you! I'm so glad you're here. Look, I don't know how much time we have left. My brother went down this shaft a few days ago and I'm worried.
I need you to go in after him, and bring him back to me alive. It could be dangerous, but if anyone can do it, it's you. Now, are you ready?'
I'm ready.
'I knew I could count on you. Now quickly, go!'
Not yet. I have some questions.
'Alright, but please hurry.'
Who are you?
'My name's Cassia. My brother and I came to Skyrim from Cyrodiil with the Imperial Legion, but we took a... break... to explore these ruins.'
So you're both deserters, then?
'We didn't want to get involved in this stupid war in the first place! We only came here because we were conscripted.
But our unit was wiped out by Nords and those Forsworn savages, and we saw a chance to get away from the fighting altogether. So we took it.'
What happened here, exactly?
'Well we came here hoping to find something valuable, to pay for carriage back to Cyrodiil. Altrius went down the shaft, but he asked me to stay here.'
Why haven't you gone down there?
'Because he made me promise I'd stay here and wait for him, no matter what. And I keep my promises. Well, except as far as the Legion is concerned.'
Why did you send for me, of all people?
'I was in Markarth looking for help, when I heard people talking about you, and all the loot you've been trading with merchants all over Skyrim.
I figured you'd be interested in exploring these ruins, so I asked a courier to track you down. And here you are.'
That's all the questions I had.
'So you're ready to go now?'
I didn't come here to help you... [sic]
'Damn you! I knew sending for you was a mistake! Get away from me!'

At this point, you can inspect the plaque in front of her, or read the Dusty Journal on the small pedestal. Once you have concluded your business on the surface, jump into the unknown. Walk through the passage in the ruins, and enter The Forgotten City. Once inside, you will find an abandoned township under the ground, with no life at all save for bats and skeevers. The area is strewn with burnt corpses, and the atmosphere is one of abandonment. As you approach a dead tree, a hanged Old man drops from his noose in front of you. Beside his corpse lies an empty wine bottle, quill, and a Suicide Note. The note proves that the body is Altrius's; it intimates his tale of infinitely entering and re-entering the Lakehouse. His note goes on to urge you to kill yourself rather than endure the same fate as he did. If you choose to pursue this course of action, you may drown yourself in the lake. Otherwise, enter the Citadel to obtain the key from Altrius's ghost. As you enter it, his voice will alight the passageway and tell you that 'I was in your shoes once, a lifetime ago. I remember the way the lakehouse calls to you.' As you ascend the stairs to the Citadel's balcony, the ghost continues his story: 'I thought to myself: Do I want to die alone in here, or do I want to open that door?'

'It seems like a simple choice. But in the end, death was the better option all along.'
'Please understand. I locked the Lakehouse door to stop you from making the same mistake I made.'
'And now you ignore my words and come searching for the key.'
Skyrim forgotten city best ending series

After the final stairs and the final warning, you will see Altrius's Ghost around a corner. As you round the corner, it will charge from behind its own at you, yelling 'Stay away! I hid that key for a reason!' Battle and defeat the ghost. Once this is complete, exit the Citadel to its balcony, on which a small chest sits. Open it to take the key, but be prepared for a surprise: The balcony will drop from beneath you, and a voice will whisper into your ear: 'Lakehouse.' After you have recovered from the significant fall damage, head to the Lakehouse and enter it. Once inside, do not try to leave, as a voice will angrily yell 'My letter!' each time you attempt escape. Instead, go to the desk and read Metellus's Note. The letter charges you with a mission: Prevent the desolation of the Forgotten City. Once Metellus's last words have been spoken, you are free to exit. Do so, and the door will reveal a strange portal that will cast you into a different time: The Forgotten City will be bustling, illuminated by the sun under the ground. A new quest, Forget-Me-Not will begin.

Quest Stages[edit]

The Forgotten City (000FCQuest01)
StageFinishes QuestJournal Entry
10A courier tracked me down and gave me a letter. I should read it.
15I've discovered some forgotten ruins on my own...
20A woman named Cassia has written to me, asking for my help in some hidden Dwarven ruins. I should travel to the Reach to investigate.
Objective : Meet Cassia in the forgotten ruins.
30I should talk to Cassia.
100I must take a leap of faith into the city.
Objective : Enter the Forgotten City.
110I must take a leap of faith into the city.
200I should explore the Forgotten City, and then find a way out.
Objective : Explore the Forgotten City for a way out.
250I've found an old man who hanged himself, but he's too old to be Cassia's younger brother.
Objective : (Optional) Search the old man's body for a suicide note.
300The key to the Lakehouse door is being guarded by a ghost on the Citadel balcony.
Objective : (Optional) Retrive the Lakehouse key from Altrius's ghost on the Citadel balcony.
350Now that I have the key, I should use it to unlock the Lakehouse.
375The door to the Lakehouse looks strange from this side, but I'll have to pass through it to leave.
Objective : (Optional) Drink the Elixir of Acrobatics.
Objective : (Optional) Confront Deglund about the ineffective Elixir.
2000I've returned to the present and have found Altrius alive and well.
2015Altrius has suggested I attack the cracked wall in the bathroom.
Objective : Smash the cracked wall in the bathroom.
2020I should take Altrius to the Citadel bathroom where we should be able to escape the city.
Objective : (Optional) Travel back in time and show the Arbiter's helmet to him as proof of your deeds.
3000I've escorted Altrius out of the city.
3100I've concluded my business with Cassia.
4000I've returned to my original time By convincing the Arbtier to wind back the Dwarves' Law, I prevented the events which sent me back in time.
4020I have reminded that Altrius was waiting for him. He has suggested we jog up together, so we can chat along the way.
4030I've brought Altrius to Cassia.
4050Cassia has rewarded me for returning Altrius to her, and has entered the city.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 325, 330, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050, 4010, 4015, 4025.

The Forgotten City Skyrim Wiki

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Most likely the greatest method to expose.I can't help wonder to what level the current set of 'advertising campaign' mods for Skyrim have got popped up exclusively centered on their fan-driven development cycles arriving to a natural finish, or whether the certain release of Results 4 offers assisted spurn dedicated modders intó crunching down béfore a hefty portion of their target demographic movements on to play in the radioactive sand.You'll discover them outlined under 'quest' or known to as 'fresh lands' mods on Nexus. ), killed him, took his helmet, went back through the portal and showed him his helmet and then he ended dwarves law.
First off, featured conspicuously on the mod't page, fresh soundtrack.
I'm not sure exactly what I did differently but I did get a different ending. It provides a darkish, non-linear story in which yóu'll explore thé city in multiple timelines, interrogate suspects, navigate difficult moral dilemmas, and fight new foes.'
All rights reserved.
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And it's quite, very good! If you can gloss over the varying grade of the voicéovers, thére isn't much to single out The Contemporary Storyteller'h creation as a fan-made piece of articles rather than a first-party item of DLC. You managed to escape, and I know your ending. As soon as you show up at the damages, you end up leaping down the proverbial bunny opening into a land of time-travel hype, moral judgements, and thinly-veiled designs of sociable system and captive self-government best out of thé Vaul-Tec pIaybook.The Forgotten Town shows you the effects of a secret disaster and sends you into thé bowels of án subterranean Dwemer City, whose residents live under the auspicés of an doubtful, draconian law, tasking you with figuring out what happened and how to cease it. (SPOILER) What are the different endings for 'The Forgotten City?' Whoops? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Part I: LINK Part II: LINK This is the 3rd part of a multi-post series on the Skyrim mod, “The Forgotten City”. Deep underground in an ancient Roman city, 26 trapped explorers lay dead because one of them broke a mysterious law. How To Unregister To Vote In Florida, Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You missed a large part of this mod. I just finished Forgotten City but am disappointed I got a bad ending. Still A Piece Of Garbage Tiktok,
Last time when I saw her hanging there I was triggered :') This Jarl is one of the best antagonist's I've ever seen in Skyrim. The Forgotten City is a time loop murder mystery in a mythological city. I have not been so engrossed in a story. 2 Liter Glass Bottle Amazon,
Remarkably nicely. I might try to go back to a previous save and see if anything changes. This is certainly a Total playthrough of The Overlooked City search mod + multiple endings. Edited by charliedfsf, 07 November 2015 - 09:19 AM. I go, what ever lets kill him and start over. Log in sign up. There are SPOILERS. Basics Of Laser Physics For Students Of Science And Engineering Pdf, Quick Walkthrough []. The spaces feel great, though, complete and sensibly attracted.
I've only eliminated through a handful of situations, most remarkably one region with many groupings of competitors strewn throughout.
The gameplay's designed around query and the player drawing their personal results. Entering combat with The Arbiter causes him to awaken the Centurians like a normal bad end. Is Anita Wilson Married, Apr 15, 2016 - Skyrim has been out for nearly five years, giving its mod scene time to grow. How To Become Blockchain Developer, Also I'm a sneak archer (I know, already?!?). Arnaud De Puyfontaine, I'm going to play again when I am a higher level (only level 10 first time). © Valve Corporation. Base series, where perform we endure? I got all of the immaculate armor, spoke to the arbiter to try to convince him to break dwarves law, he said no (maybe my speech level was too low? I've invested a few hrs over the past weekend sampling into what amountéd to a muItiple-solution story-drivén challenge that produced working around to piece info together and open up progression paths completely appealing.The plan setup is quite straight-forward. It'beds under no circumstances a offer breaker, but it can put the occasional damper on your momentary exhilaration, since you'll spend very a little bit of period charging between people as you piece together your understanding of how strong a stack you've obtained yourself into this period.Fight, on the additional hand, will not feature heavily.
Please see the. Did you even went to the abandoned citadel? I know. I just finished Forgotten City but am disappointed I got a bad ending. If you're using an ENB mód, you may find yourself relying on torches even more often than typical, as some of the City's decorations utilize a effective comparison of lighting and shadow, which is usually an superb contact.On the audio side we're also experienced with a totally different situation. I did the same but I got the town to be active and thriving at the end. One solution is to find the key in the underlake house and free the woman that the Jarl is keeping as a prisoner. otifications was created as an sample add-on, and is meantfor demonstration purposes only.
October 07, 2020; I might try to go back to a previous save and see if anything changes. Based on what options you create, you may find yourself rushing back again to when you'm began and, while the people may have got no recollection of you, the video game and story certainly factor it in.It's not simply an option to pull a blank standing, some highways to finalization rely on yóur harnessing this ability. There won't be any major plot spoilers, unless ABSOLUTELY UNAVOIDABLE.
[Spoilers] So who actually broke the law the first time. Imogen Beckhelling • 3 months ago • 14 There's a new gameplay trailer out for The Forgotten City, the game that started life as an award-winning Skyrim mod.
Town safeguards may have got difficulty discerning whether you're also a wonderful leading man or possess fur coming out of yóur ears, but tó Imperial deserter Cássia you're simply the right person to get her brother from some suspicious Dwarven damages in The Get to. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. A portal leads back to the past, allowing you to change their fate - or witness their deaths in a time loop for eternity. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods. the best story mod I have played in Skyrim thank you for this amazing work looking forward for your future projects.
Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). I'm not sure exactly what I did differently but I did get a different ending. Maybe something happend the first time (when I got the bad ending) when I was running back to the portal after getting the arbiters helmet.

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Skyrim The Forgotten City Best Ending Guide

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